Ugh, I haven’t been sick in soooo long.. so long I don’t even remember.. so it’s been a couple years at least.
How do I do that? Well, I know how to ward it off I guess. When I feel it coming on I normally make some homemade soup, take some elderberry syrup and start feeding my immune system with good for you herbal teas, probiotic foods, garlic.. etc etc etc
Then I usually kick that meh feeing before it has a chance to catch me and move on with my life. 🙌🏼
Well after the munchkin was at a sleepover and one of the other munchkins got a high fever in the middle of the night, I knew it was coming. So, I did all those things above for her and we kicked her fever in a night. wahooo
It’s so much easier taking care of someone else, rather than yourself.
So, this would then be the time I do all those things for me to ensure I don’t get the same yuckies..
But, instead I spent 3 days framing a house!
What the what?
I know, weird Segway there.. but for anyone who doesn’t know I’m building a small home on my families ranch and this was the weekend I had help showing up to frame it.
So I instead of taking care of myself, I over extended myself and followed none of my own suggestions 😄 and now I’m paying for it.
BUT good news is, we made some progress on the house and soon I’ll have this view with my morning coffee, and all will be right with the world ☺️
(minus all the construction equipment and missing floors and such...)
Anywho... 8 days since my last blog post and all I can offer you is a sad visual of feverish me with a non ending cup of herbal tea, a warm blanket and the most cheesy hallmark movies humanely possible. I hope you’ll forgive me 😜
Moral of the story..
Take care of yourselves people! Because when you don’t, it catches up with you...
Much Love,
Am I the only one who loves getting sick at least once a year? :D Call me crazy but it's a time I realize I should always put my health first, and it's a beautiful feeling even though I might feel really bad physically. It's a reminder you gotta take care of yourself, drink those cups of tea and rest, no excuses anymore :) I hope you feel better soon!
That is an interesting point, it sort of reminds us why we need to take care of ourselves. Really great way to think about it!
Thank you for the well wishes and yes, I can’t fool myself with excuses anymore.. I don’t have the strength 😂
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You did not get steemfest flu and that was a plague so you may have good defenses bit get better soon, ginger tea helps me, been myself with the lurgy last week. Hugs a hot soup mugs
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I have been sick for about a week now as well. Terrible cough. Get well soon!
Oh no! Ugh, I hate that cough that just won’t go away. Sending good healing vibes your way and hope you feel better soon ❤️Thank you.
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