As a proponent of living the philosophy you espouse, it would behoove every true blooded anarchist to get out of the system- at every opportunity.
Not living your philosophy as best you can is disingenuous. And weak. Very weak.
To not live by your own principals is to be hypocritical.
Avoiding any taxes you can, helps to freeze up the governments and bring down the system, no?
Ignoring any and all laws that don't fit into the non aggressive principal is mandatory, no?
To live by other oppressive laws is to submit to the powers you want to bring down, no?
Ignoring any and all government imposed borders is a responsibility of fighting for anarchy, no?
Using passports and visa's is just playing the game the powers that be want from you. Your disobedience is your fight, no?
Anything less is living the life of a hypocritical anarchist.
A little bit like Lenin espousing communism, sitting on his pile of gold...
The problem is, as I see it - I think that most HA's (hypocritical anarchists) want to have a comfortable revolution.
No hardships, no giving up smartphones tracking devices - or any thing awkward. (if you have a smartphone, you are not an anarchist. A plastic anarchist. And a hypocrite).
Convenience trumps chaos....some revolutionary...
Sacrifices? - yes, others do need to make sacrifices...
A risky lifestyle off the radar as much as possible? Yes, but don't stop my Netflix.
Some revolution...
The Anarchists handbook (not good for anarchy theorists, as this is only for real anarchists, with balls)
1/Only do cash in hand work. (or crypto)
2/Buy only with cash.
3/Ignore any tax demands from governments.
4/Only pay tax if you have no choice (food,).
5/Refuse auto insurance, medical insurance,and any other financial instrument designed to transfer wealth through coercion.
6/Ignore laws that you see as irrelevant. (opens up many cash business opportunities such as drug dealing or gun running).
7/Cross border's illegally while traveling. Ignore government sanctioned surveillance. (no flying)
8/Never vote.
9/ Never get credit, use credit, or have a mortgage. (unless for rule 10)
10/ Stealing from the thief is a moral imperative. (Definition of 'thief' in this political movement context, is government and financial institutions).
Theoretical anarchy is for the Machiavellian intellectuals (anti anarchists , you might say..), and as such does not have a place in the real anarchic utopia.
Happy anarchy! (all 3 of you..)
Relevance: Knowledge is power.Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
I am going to shock you here. I agree with everything you said, but with one exception.
"10/ Stealing from the thief is a moral imperative. (Definition of 'thief' in this political movement context, is government and financial institutions)." Our agencies deserve this treatment.
Americans are the government and they represent their power as Grand Jurist and Petite Jurist by deciding the facts of the case and the law of the case. That is right We The People are the forth arm of power and the government.
Thomas Jefferson said: "I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.
The Grand Jury Belongs to The People–Antonin Scalia (1992)
As proof: Supreme Court UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. John H. WILLIAMS, Jr.
I have a link to a post that I wrote about this, and have written many. I just don't put links in comments on others post when I first find them. If and only if you reply and ask. I will.
yeah, but rule 10 will bring down the insitutions quicker.
Anarchy is a revolution in thought.
All revolutions necessitate the destruction of the who they fighting..
(and anyway, its all tongue in cheek. lol)
Oh man! I have to get a smart phone.
I want to be in this new anarchist hypocratis group.
Some deep truth about life ;)

Image source
I see nothing deep or even a truth, about it...