What matters is getting angry. Anger as an 'emotional energy' is nuclear compared to others, which are merely wind power.
It holds far more explosive power, as an emotion, than any other. Use it.
This 'speech' makes me angry..
Before you read the speech bear this in mind...
Is this conspiracy theory, or is this a dark reality?
The truth is - it doesn't matter!
True or not - it fits exactly with how I see the world today, and how it has spread out in front of me for the last 30 years....
It fits.
Seeing it in this way, gives me an enemy - and whether it is true or not, doesn't matter.
Because the enemy today looks exactly like what the enemy would look like....IF ALL THIS WERE TRUE.
So it makes no difference.
Learn from history, and learn it's lessons - but don't get hung up on the accuracy of it.
It's all shades of grey written, by partisan interests. Finding absolute truth in history is like chasing rainbows...
Use it to form your truth going forwards. Use it to get angry.
And if you see all the things as I see them , use that anger to affect change.
Channeled, focused and meaningful- brutal, anger .
Not energy frittered away playing games that they want you to play.
Games that they have made up, just so you can fritter away your energies..
They don't want it focused, and channeled in pursuit of your aims.
I do hope the images put you in the right frame of mind....
1960. A private meeting....
'What we have to do for the next 5 decades, is to give everyone an easy life.
A life that gives more more purchasing power, more luxury, more money in the pocket, and more choices than any other civilization in the history of mankind.
Everyone can be wealthy, even the poorest in comparison to yesteryear.
####"You've never had it so good, should ring loudly through the lands"
The over the next five decades, we will split people into non nonsensical ideological groups so they are at each others throats perpetually over some issue or other.
The luxury and free money provided, will give them the free time to pursue and fight. And divide.
As they are fighting with each other, and thinking they are involved with politics, we will then crash the whole financial system that we have set up and in doing so leave entire populations dazed, angry, disillusioned, depressed and hungry.
Let them play at voting, let them protest, it's exactly as we want.
Anything to keep them from looking for the truth.
Drugs to numb their brains, and drugs to send them insane.
Sports to devote the hours of their lives , and television to suck their active brain out, and replace it with a vacuum.
Anything to keep them from looking at the truth.
And the truth?
Give them cheap money loaned from their own future generations, and pretend it's not.
No parents would steal from their children so we can't let them know that's what they are doing.
Doing it with every car loan, every pension plan, every healthcare insurance, every financial transaction and every single tax payment.....
We can't let them know they are actively partaking in the robbery of their own children.
...or grandchildren..
While society disintegrates, we will carry on with total ownership of all assets, starting with energy.
Own the energy and you own the word.
Wherever energy is to be found, we will take it.
Our actions will lead to yet more in- fighting between themselves, the people who still think democracy is there for them.
Give the useful idiots bread and circuses, and let us continue on with our strategy....
By the time the realize the truth, and by the time the come together, it will be too late for them to do anything.
We will have artificial intelligence for our labor, and to run our systems, and to fight our wars..
Then we can offer the solution and it's name is...
One world government. Communism in drag.
.....By the time they wake up to how they have been cheated, understand the implications of their own willful generational blindness - and only made possible by...
the use of their own children's stolen money .... it will be much too late for them to anything about it.
The fools.
The decadent, soft, stupid idiots.
It is time...
This not a game.
Use your anger wisely.
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Powerful post.
Whilst not sure of the details this is pretty much spot on.
War between light and dark forces is real and we all need to wake up and take back our sovereignty.
Pity is folks think the messengers are mad!
don't laugh - well you can if you like, I don't mind really....
don't laugh - well you can if you like, I don't mind really....