I didn't get much sleep last night.
It's 4a.m. now, and I'm already on my second coffee. (not a double latte decaf).
While angry and frustrated at the political scene in the US, the debacle in UK with Count Dankula has tipped my scales to the 'seriously pissed off'.
( his real name is Meechan, btw - but he will always be Dankula to me - as an homage to the totally absurd.)
People get very nervous around me when I get seriously pissed off, because it so rarely happens, and because I'm a very easy going, laid back kind of person.
Even my sleep got nervous with me and buggered off.
The absurdity of this court ruling in the UK goes into the realm of a literal dystopia.
To ban jokes is to ban laughter. Absurd, it truly is.
I remember when they made smoking illegal in bars and nightclubs in the UK - It didn't affect me too much in the real sense of being in pubs that much when it happened.
The philosophical aspect affected me greatly. It was legislated in, on a flimsy pretense.
Health of the workers, of all things.
I could see this had nothing to do with real health concern of the staff working in these establishments.
If the government and workplace safety concerns was so paramount 2007, I hardly think sending another 1,400 troops to protect the poppy fields in Afghanistan would count as 'safety oriented' policy.
I bet they were allowed to smoke, to...
“This has nothing to do with health!” I screamed at people who moaned about going outside for a cigarette, “This has ALL to do with adults being treated as adults, and the governments attempts to stop any social cohesion, and interfere in free choice. And free assembly.
You couldn't just ban free assembly – not then anyway.
But you could make it as awkward and as disjointed as possible- legally - by bringing in the smoking ban.
And people accepted this thin end of a totalitarian wedge being inserted into their rectums. So gently they hardly felt it.
Just as they never felt being bent over in the first place, ready to accept that wedge - when governments introduced the idea of the anti smoking legislation.
Using the vaseline from a moral high ground - everything went in very, very smoothly.
In the name of 'workplace safety', the government gently bent everyone over, and with a concerned look on the victims face about the staff in the pubs , the government firmly buried that wedge deep into an 'oh so welcoming', victim.
They even enjoyed the feeling of getting royally fucked.
With a docile grin on their faces, and a health concern for their fellow workers, they let their government fuck them..
I told everyone at the time "Don't adhere to the law - what are they gonna do? - piss off 20 million drunken pub goers every Friday and Saturday night?- I don' think so.."
In these days of wanting everything for free - without cost - revolting in a country to get things 'right' is just too damn hard .
Better to moan about all about it, over your double decaff at starbucks.
" A biscotti, sir? Certainly....and where would you like that?"
Docile sheep, in a docile land.
Wake the fuck up!
I am so wound up at the moment - Time for some caffeine!
Relevance: Knowledge is power.Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
...and I can hear Orwell shouting at the top of his voice: "1984 is not a fucking manual!" Still, without darkness would we know light?
On a positive note: be assured of the fact that some have awoken and more are in the process of awakening means we won't choose what the corrupt negative so-called elite (but actually satanists) desire for us.
I'm in favor of "We The People" forming new systems (already happening) and allowing those systems from the old paradigm to simply fall away due to lack of interest!
grand juries, lynch the evil, (and the ones too spineless to oppose them that were living in the corridors of power), ...and move on..