Deep state distractions...

in #blog7 years ago


You know the old saying ' the devil is in the detail', right?

In the context of this post, it means that while you we looking at the certain events, other ones continue to unfold without the attention they truly deserve.
Big events made small events, by distraction.

This distraction leads to the increased possibility of the devil (the banks) having his desired outcome.

What do I mean?

Lets look today at the deep state.

It is everywhere in our consciousness. Check steemit right now and see haw many time 'that word' it typed in posts.
It is kept there, hovering, with soundbites on all the news stations - and alternative media also.

Russian collusion, uranium deals, killings - while truly despicable - it's all the same distraction. Time distraction.

A mirage in front of us. Always there, but still not real. And offering us unlimited hours of attention.
Hours once spent, are not recoverable.

And as our focus is spent on dismantling the deep state, does the deep state continue - unabated - with its strategies?

Syria has not gone way, the 'war' in Afghanistan continues, Libya continues to be dismantled, the disruption in Iran ( cia/mi6 instigated?), stays off our news channels.

The rolling out of the deep state continues, while we are all focused on the 'deep state' itself.

Is this a conscious strategy of the DS?

To divert attention away from the big things, by making them small things? (in the consciousness)

Events that once in place, and played out -will be incredibly hard to change. To revert.
And so this then turns into yet another victory - for 'them'.


Do 'they' really care whether or not you look at them?
No. Just as long as you are not looking at the continued migrations of populations that will forever alter the genetic make up and changes in our own societies.

Do they care about throwing Clinton's to the mob, or Soros, or any individual for that matter?

No, not if it stops eyes focusing on the dismantling of the middle east.
'They' care not.

Is it a carefully constructed news cycle (and a duped alternative media) to keep eyes away from what is really happening?

Plans that if executed to completion, shift in the balance of power so it makes no difference any longer, where the eyes of a country are now looking...?

The pragmatism of the banks doesn't care about your outrage, or the Clinton's being ripped to shreds - it cares about the bottom line.
And if any outrage is directed somewhere - anywhere - that doesn't hinder their bottom line - total hegemony? well, it's all just collateral damage to them.

So how do we fight the misdirection?

Stop giving them time. Time to plan, to deceive.

Deception and lies take time and energy.

The truth doesn't.


It remains the truth. And It has a self sustaining energy.

'They' want as much debate as possible (to go on for decades preferably) about policy. About everything!

Meanwhile, day after day, week after week the plans they laid out come to fruition.

Think of the 'The banks' as the insane dog handler, breeding fighting dogs - And wanting to unleash them on the world.

You need to kill the rabid dogs before you get to the handlers.

And this is the great tragedy.
I love my doggies!...but you have still have to kill the product of the insane...

The handler doesn't care if you are watching him, while the rottweiler tears out your throat...



the picture is terrible....


Muslims are instructed by Koran that dogs are filthy animals. You posted an image of a filthy animal.

what a strange belief.

My dog just licked my face...

Nope.... not dead yet...

Yes well, I suspect that picture of the dog, and you being a self confessed dog lover may have triggered her.

This won't help then...?


I totally agree! These are amazing times we are living in. With distributed connectivity, the global diaspora can bridge the divide that these powers want to place between all of us. We can find our freedom together, outside of the bounds of the soul-sucking war matrix they've constructed for us.

Step outside the matrix, the air over here is refreshing!