My 10 day reccurring hangover has come around and is upon me, so I was really not in the mood this morning...
I was gonna be lazy on steemit, and use my fall back plan.
One that is lazy (for me), but looks anything but.
I then I thought I'd write about what I was going to do, instead of actually doing it.
(that's the thing that's lazy, but doesn't appear to be) .... because it might help some people struggling with original content - or not that good a writer (that's me)... and other stuff too I''m sure - but my head doesn't really care for perusing the other possibilities...
This is how it works... (for me - try your own method)
1/ Find some post you disagree with. That's BS.(A contrarian position works easiest for me. surprise surprise.)
2/ Copy and past it onto word, or whatever.
3/ Read each paragraph and write the opposite of what you read.
If you find a good writer, you will find your post can be pretty good too.
It stood me in good stead but I always felt I was cheating somehow. - which you are most definitely not.
I soon stopped doing it, to be honest. (I actually only did it a few times as an exercise.., but my pounding head persuaded me to go for it today).
Once you get the knack of it, you can fool everyone! lol
Here is a short example of what I mean....(inspiration and motivation are always good hunting grounds...)
Hold No Judgement
Loving yourself fully without judgement is the key to being able to sincerely love others.
You can't give others what you haven't given yourself first . If it's difficult to extend to others it's because you haven't extended it to self first.
Loving yourself in a non narcissistic way requires an honesty. And that can be very harsh sometimes. You have to see yourself for who you are - warts and all, before you can move forwards.
And if you don't hold yourself to account and take responsibility for your actions- you won't do others the same favor.
Kindness, goodness, gentleness, grace, mercy, forgiveness, it all begins within. And loving yourself is not a chore. It's not really something the mind can work up or TRY to do. Love is who you are ~ the real you. It's not something you DO, Its who you ARE. Your heart knows this.
Succumbing to the softer side of your emotions without self control is an adolescent behavior.
Respecting yourself is not adolescent. It is rewarding in so many ways.
Emotional responses are not who you are - they are just emotional responses.
Controlling these feeling are essential to growing (up).
Your consciousness knows this. You inner child has a tantrum.
So stop judging yourself. It Serves no purpose. Neither judging another.
So hold yourself to account - it stands you in good stead. And apply that same standard to other's...
We all act according to our level of awareness at any given moment.
Enlightenment cannot be forced upon anyone.The light comes when it comes for each of us.
We act according to our awareness.
Wisdom and knowledge do not 'just come to us' They require work, dedication and effort
......end of example ......
.....There you go, I hope you get the idea, and it might help you blag achieve some quality posts...
But, if i replace all the words "men" with "women", although i may get some very strange words, i will have praise heaped upon me.
If i replace all the words "women" with "men", then there will be no strange words, however, even i take a piece written by most praise worthy webwriters from some of the top watched websites, then i will be hunted down to the ends of the earth.
Isn't this making it opposite, that you refer to in your instructions means?
It doesn't seem to be working out very well.
Do you have a place i can hide?
my head hurts even more now...
Naughty, naughty, naughty... :)