Civil war? IN the UK?......A week ago I would have accepted this as a possibility for sure - but not as a reality.
Now I'm not so sure at all...
The UK government has either seriously miscalculated the political move with Tommy Robinson OR
they know full well what they are doing, and the reaction it would receive. And in doing so, use him (and us), in part of the ongoing plan to start a civil war.
(Problem, reaction, solution, paradigm,an' all that...)
(The petition is back on line, btw,with signatures heading towards ..)
the half million mark!
And if 'we' don't resist? - Well they reach their objective anyways.
It's a win win gamble - for those not scared of the cost.
And 'they' will pay no cost - at first - but the useful idiots will, those who obey their orders...
If 'they' lose, they will pay the cost also - along with us.
It is not win win for 'us'. We still pay the cost irrelevant of the outcome.
It is win or lose.
I have been having a very serious think about all this. Losing sleep and thinking kind of serious.
The question that needs to be asked is ...
1/If_there s a civil war, who are the enemy?
2/And who is the enemy now, before it becomes potentially violent?
Lets start with the second one, for it is - by far - the lesser of the two evils.
For me personally....
...I see this all quite clearly, and quite coldly. Viciously cold, you could say.
My (dormant) family genetics are most definitely kicking in, in respects to this.
....Let me explain that a little - if you haven't read my old posts.
I come from a twisted, sick, psychopathic family background.
I don't mean a 'little bit horrible' - I mean a real full dose. violent , abusive, sick, kind of family.
Both in my immediate family and one side of my extended family.
And I 'think' I posses some aspects of these genetic traits. They have been 'triggered' in extreme moments in my life - but only when feeling under real threat.. And I am now feeling triggered (to some extent).
I am not a violent moron, and have only ever have been violent in response to being attacked.
I am not any of the things my family were. (surprisingly, I have no contact with them anymore).
Some small context of me, and who I am....
The best way to stop real all out violence in the streets, is to chop off the various heads of the snake before they grow even more ...
Every single day that goes past, I see all out violence as more and more of an inevitability.
Which makes the stopping of this more and more pressing..
It's time for niceties take a back seat....Niceties are a thing of the past for the normal citizen - and if you think differently, you are losing this battle already.
It is time to educate ourselves on the 'not so nice' strategies. avoid something much worse down the line...
I'm very single minded about this, clear, and cold.
No war is nice.
I like being nice, 'cos I'm a nice person.
....But if I have to be horrible to stop a more horrible situation, I will be.
And I'm much better at being horrible, than most, if I'm forced into a situation.
(My sicko genes do have a use).
....It now feels like I am being forced into a situation. And I really hate that.
I hate my peaceful life being intruded on by wankers.
And I hate knowing that my life will become less and less peaceful if I do nothing.
Action 'sooner' rather than 'later' becomes more and more of a logical choice.
My very broad view of things
a/ The individuals in media need to be more scared of the people, than any allegiance to the establishment. Even though they are part of it - individual journalists - and editors _ are not).
b/The individual policeman needs to feel the same way.
I believe that right now, many of our law enforcement and armed services are looking a this very closely - in opposition to the filth in the seats of power.
Very much like the rumors in the US surrounding Trump, and his rise to president.
c/ The entire judicial system needs to feel this same fear.
Law enforcement
The time for discussion and persuasion is rapidly disappearing.
(I could argue disappeared already - but I'm trying to maintain my optimism.)
NOW YOU have to make the fear of the consequences of the wrong choice as much a motivation as support of the right choice.
But how do we do that...?
Anyway that you can think of...( I have lots of ideas on that one...)
....this is.... potentially.....a fucking civil war!
'Niceties' are now the tools of the maintain the status quo...
Heads out of butts, people.
Reality has arrived, and fluffy dream states are no longer an option....
(I'll go into more details in part 2 of 'the how' - the real how to...)
If people think there will be no cost, or no casualties, you are losing this war already.
Right now, the costs and casualties can be measured in losing free time, losing income, losing jobs, and brushes with the law.
These are real consequences.
So fucking what? Grow the hell up.
And later on, if we do nothing now?
The cost might well be measured in loss of freedoms, deaths of friends, family, children, starvation, and terror and horrors you can't imagine for you, your family, and your kids.
Too sensationalist?
You are losing the war already if you think so.
Look at this way ...which is the better option ?
A scratch that you can recover from?... or full body dismemberment later...?
Grow the hell up...
I'll go into detail in part 2 of how we can start cutting heads of snakes in very real ways.
There ain't nothing nice about it...
We don't need guns, or bombs or anything like that.
Not in in this part of the war...
We need balls.
We need leverage...
Step into my office.....
I have been dashing about on Gab, trying to answer every post I see about the UK and Tommy.
I also believe that it is a choice of fight now, or submit and condemn your family, your people and your nation. To do nothing is a betrayal of all our ancestors sacrificed for - and of all we owe to the children of today.
Just think of this - according to numbers the police have mentioned, over 100,000 British CHILDREN have already paid the price of our fear and PC nonsense.
However, I have been telling everyone, make a big noice, demand other prisoners are also freed (what about the 70 something year old woman, arrested and disappeared, because she spoke back to a cop! She and others like her must be set free.
I would then start a strike.
No water
No electricity
No buses
No trains
No airports
How long will the government manage to hold on?
Also, start a petition (for want of a more appropriate word) demanding the government rsign, as we no longer have any confidence in them.
Who the hell we put in their place I have no idea. We need people who will re-emigrate the immigrants - all who entered within the last 10 years at least. We need BREXIT, but a hard one. We need a government that allies itself with the USA.
If we cannot get all we must have, then we will take the hard steps of civil war. First I suggest that families talk to their sons and daughters who are cops and armed forces; convince them they must stand with their own family and the people, not with the traitors.
I am looking forward to your 2nd post.
Very well said, sir!
The war can be started now .All 'quite legally'. All very real.
With minimal disruption to the people not directly in the fight -It's always a very few actually 'involved' relative to the size of a populations
Leverage and getting dirty is the next step.
part 2 coming asap.
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Wake Up Call
Our Purpose
I may be over simplifying it with this statement, though I can only say it the way I see it, from my little corner in the world, it is a class war, and it has been going on forever, it is just nowadays more obvious, as we know a tiny amount of people own the press, those same people own corporations, they drive narratives any way they want, they have become over confident, and think that they can flaunt their power in our faces now, to me at least these people are the danger to society, as they, who is they - people like George Soros is a they, are aiding and abetting millions of migrants to replace the dwindling European populations. The flawed monetary policy which is flawed by design to make everyone have to work to survive has lowered the populations in Europe and to a large extent worldwide, leading to this replacement of peoples by design.
Getting rid of the current crop of government whore politicians would be a start, then we need to reel in the real power players, the ones with more money than half the world combined, these people are not hard to find, as they brag about the enormous wealth they have in their very own prestitutes papers.
Please check this video - if you have not seen it, I think you will find it will inspire you
EDIT: Just saw this posted on Gab, where I had posted this video - and since it espouses the same ideas we are discussing:
I viewed it, thanks.
Wow. Great post.
I'm just afraid that the snake is Hydra. When you cut of a head, two more will regrow.
The coup d'etat happened long ago, but nobody noticed. The snake has grown so big that resistance is futile.
We are never going to win, but at least we get to keep our dignity while we die fighting.
You have already lost - in your head!
Get angry, and lose the defeatist attitude my friend.
...and read my next few posts coming up...
You can do things....
You can't do anything if you are apathetic...
I am angry and actually doing things but I have no illusions that i will live to see anything change.
I do hope that you are the one that is right though.
I'll be waiting for your next post m8.
We have to be right. .
Choices are gone. (or going so fast as to be gone soon, should I say)
I'm putting it together in the next hour or 3 matey....
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Actually, as I have said elsewhere, it is not a choice of die this way or live another. If we do not fight, we will soon die anyway, for the commies and the islamists have never hidden their hate for us (hate speech does not apply to them, according to the commie white professors etc.)
If we let them chop off our heads, we will be betraying our women and children.
In a way it is good that we do not have a choice. Just remember to toss aside racial nonsense, there are many sikhs, carib blacks and other non-muslims who would stand by us. Even Christian Arabs who will die if we lose. We need them all.
'Brothers in arms', ...there is no a racism.
...leave those labels for the idiots.
Why did you say "you" instead of "we"
Everyone else is to blame - only?
What, me personally? lol
It's been growing steadily since 1912/3.
all before my time, or am I responsible for history too?
I never saw any of it until the last 10 years or so...
(too busy working and partying around the world lol)
IQ is irrelevant.
Why are you spending time on me , when you have so many battles to fight with yourself ?
I have tried to help you see things - you are on your own now, matey.
good luck
...the fight is as local to you, as it is to everyone else.