Newsbud .... Controlled opposition?

in #blog7 years ago


This was reported on at the time, but feel it is topic that is well worth keeping in the present and should not be fogotten so easily, or let any guilty parties off the hook...
SO I'm keeping it the public forum.
I'm good like that.

Newsbud is an 'alternative news media', site and one that I have beenwatching for a couple of years. (previously called 'boiled frog').

The owner, Sibel Edmonds is an ex FBI whistle blower from 2003- ish. Now this is something that rang alarm bells for me, initially I but gave her the benefit of the doubt.
An alive FBI whistle blower - and 'allowed' to set up a alternative news media site?....mmmm

But I have to say, the information that the site gave, and the analysis they gave, was very good – especially concerning middle eastern and Turkish affairs.

So far so good.

THEN 5 weeks ago, she (Sibel Edomonds) came out with a personal, viscous attach on Vanessa Beeley and her friend.
Rather than sticking to facts, as I was used to with this news channel – it became CNN-esque – dramatic music in the backdrop of accusations and attempted character assassination - the whole nine yards of MSM!

She then went on to attack 21st Century wire - who are connected/allied with Vanessa Beeley - but most people would say a very intelligent alternative news site.....The whole thing came across as downright bizarre!

Newsbud attack on Beeley

It surprised me more than I can tell you! – This is the first time I have ever seen such an unprofessional presentation from the Newsbud team.
It stuck out with its inconsistency of logical examination, one that I was used to from them.


I have watched hours of Newbud reports for the in depth examination of the issues of the day (and Sibel Edmond is very easy on the eye. Which is also something that got me suspicious, btw - before this present issue. Just too good looking. MSM style...)
Did 'the powers that be' instruct this off track attack?
Was Vanessa Beeley making to much of an impact? (Someone I have also follewed for several years, and find her report beyond reproach in so far as Syria goes - which is what the attack was mainly about) Venessa Beely was reporting on the white helmets 3 years ago at least -and what they were upto - and is pivotal in the outing of them.

It was intriguing to say the least.

THEN James Corbett got involved.

He gave a forensic dissembling of the Newsbud attack, and went on to disassociate himself any further from this news site. (bearing In mind he had been allied to them for years).


the Corbett response to Newsbud

I would take Corbett and Beeley over Newsbud any day...

During this time, I thought I peruse the comment section on Newsbud, to see the reactions, both from readers and staff members.

The aggressive posture continued on the comments section, with no 'standing down' or attempts do diffuse the situation.
Now this got me really suspicious of Newsbud in general, and I carried on reading.

Then I came to a Sibel Edmonds comment - about STEEMIT.

( I can't find the comment on their website now...)

Her interpretation of these new sites was – 'it's government obtaining all the informational from users, and storing it....And best avoided!'

She obviously knew nothing about steemit, or blockchain – and I know bugger all.
Or did she?
She is a very intelligent (did I mention hot?) woman, and this argument was uninformed at best, and downright disingenuous worst.

On balance, I have to think Newsbud is controlled opposed. Nothing else adds up to me.


And more than willing to attack any alternative media that is gaining too much traction....

Sorry Sibel, goodbye. (Still hot though...)

The you tube presentations are long...but well worth the time.


I have never liked Sibel for her current news.
Except in her personal opinion about the opinions about the middle east.
Being someone who speaks the language and lived there, she has good insights on the emotions of the situation.

But her current news always lacked any depth.

What i do like Sibel for is her commenting on what happened with during Gladio A.

I also like to listen to her pronounce the people's names (middle eastern) correctly.

I have never listened to her for news.
(james corbett is one of my top)

When I saw the energy in the rebuke in the you tube by Corbett - that really got my radar moving...

He is more level and constant then a spirit level. It says a lot that he was so sad, and pissed off. (with newsbud (imo)

Relevance: Attacks on the "alt-right".Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

the one thing sibel is correct on is the blockchain being the ultimate surveillance tool.. corbett has also produced a video on blockchain becoming a establishment tool of total surveillance....

it is only a matter of time before every single human being is under the blockchain and the crypto's you hold dear will be outlawed and replaced by government sanctioned blockchain currencies.

Maybe. But just maybe ...not.

It's a legit concern, but at the same time, it's a light that shines both ways. The truth has a permanent home on the block chain which can't be suppressed... this will hopefully act as a good counterbalance to the very real danger that "dissidents" will be outed by the very same blockchain. I think the benefit of blockchain will inevitably outweigh the government abuses which might arise... we'll see though?

If the blockchain is truth, and the government only want the opposite - I see it only going one way...

...truth endures, lies crumble. (hey, I' m feeling optimistic..)

truth can be managed through the censorship technique of noise. you must have seen the various special interest groups and intelligence agency's use the technique. with comments that can't be deleted you surround the comment with other easily disproven comments and inflammatory statements which renders the truthful comment lost through the noise surrounding the truthful comment.

i am correct in saying the blockchain is the ultimate tool for control...

truth can be managed through the censorship technique of noise

...but has it ever stood the test of time?....I can't think of one offhand...

i am correct in saying the blockchain is the ultimate tool for control...

or the ultimate tool for decentralized , non control. There are always two sides to a coin..

"...but has it ever stood the test of time?....I can't think of one offhand..."

censorship has been tremendously effective for you can't recall a single instance.. history is a lie yah know..

"...or the ultimate tool for decentralized , non control. There are always two sides to a coin.."

if you think the current monopoly is going to roll over and play nice then you are naive. the current power structure will decimate any currency they can't control.. who is going to stop them.. they don't have any serious opposition.

if you think the current monopoly is going to roll over and play nice then you are naive.

I don't think that, and never said so.
Long time since I was called naive! lol

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

In the past, large ledgers were powered by enormous mainframes or server farms located at a central point absorbing huge amounts of money and energy. Thanks to the blockchain, accounting services and the costs associated with large ledgers can now be distributed amongst the end users.

In a consumerist world bent on the desire to control who, when, how and what the consumer does with their financial resources, the blockchain provides the ultimate tool for control. I am convinced that crypto-currencies are just a ploy by the economic elite to get the public interested and used to the ideas behind block chain technology. I firmly believe non state run crypto-currencies will be outlawed much sooner than later in favor of state run blockchain services that will include currencies, identification and a slew of other monitoring/tracking applications we will all be forced to implement and pay for.

Considering the past several hundred years of economic control I can't imagine those who manage the financial markets and governments will want to do anything other than expand their control and the blockchain is the ultimate tool for that control.

I understand you perspective totally, both from historical precedents and todays technology.

....But there has never been a historical precedent for block chain. Ever.

If you think of conversations between royal courts and the clergy ,_ just before_ the Gutenberg press.... (as a comparison).

If governments adopt block chain, and regulate their own currency - and 'outlaw' other crypto's - but the people ignore the laws, make different crypto...make their own trades...

The government can only make laws if the people will obey them.

As soon as they don't, they become powerless..

The clergy et al coming down on the Gutenberg press and free distribution of the printed word, and the bible, didn't stop anything.....

an outlawed fiat based currency is worthless .. just say`n ..

Thanks for the heads up on Newsbud @lucylin. I think you're probably accurate in your assessment.

I think so, on balance.
But it needs to be kept alive, and not buried.
Newsbud was definitely seen as a 'legitimate alternative site...

Some more info on Newsbud in this lengthy piece by Eva Bartlett . (Do a ctr + F for 'newsbud') I'm quoted in the article. LMK if you have any questions. Maybe SE badmouthing Steemit because she knows I'm on here passing links (maybe, maybe not).

I will look at this tomorrow matey, cheers - late here - just enough beer to be not worth a

ty for the info though...

thanks for reminding about this with the upvote ! - it had not entered my mind - reading the link now...
