I will be when I get enough together, yes...(converted into $ on the site, and then withdrawn into litecoin > steem in my case.)
I'm trying to work out the earning ratio - if I put it back into steem - rather than just writing content.
I've been grinding out profit for years now (small amounts per day), but don't enjoy it (I would prefer writing, that's for sure).
BUT, I am now looking at steemit a bit differently now, than how I did.
I see it as a financial instrument, based on 'non meritocratic systems', but game theory.
Hopefully that will change...Time will tell...
But until then - I'm gaming the shit outta it, in any way I can....
I used to think 'write an merit' ....
I now see that as a totally flawed logic around these parts, the way things are..
It's gonna be fun - I'm still writing - just gonna be working at things bit more. (fuck! fuck! fuck! lol)
ok now I get it. At least you're not a quitter. Sometimes being creative and flexible can pay off. You never know where STEEM will end up!
Quitters is the luxury of people who've never had to work for anything.(and lefty's who've quitted on any synaptic activity)
....although saying that....I did quit 'working',...mmmm...lol