there are 2 levels of 'filthy'. On needs the nsfw, the other doesnt! lol
Oh, checked out the shift card- available to US res only. Thanks for the info anyway. Input is appreciated.
(at the moment - this will be changing, I'm sure, as crypto only increases)
It isn't like there is mad rush to get it sorted out. (just be good to have a system in place) I'll keep digging around. there will be a way, no doubt.
local banks won't accept 'transfer' from CoinBase?
coinbase - at the moment anyways - is essentially a US operation, for the US market
nope - not here. - (I don't think, so far, from searching online) - will have to go to a bank and check/ask.
( you can imagine how easy that will be?- with 50 words of thai to my armory, and a girlfriend who doesn't understand any of this - should be fun! lol)