Sharing the dirt as I it up!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

In trying to justice to what I think may turn out to be something (or not, as the case may be), I had to really look at everything..

So I started digging, using the beginning of the Fusion GPS involvement as a starting point. Timelines are very relevant in what I am thinking about..

daily patriot - Copy.jpg

In doing that , I also uncovered more and more information that is not relevant to the the thing I am looking at, (at least not relevant as I see it, as yet)..but no less worthy of writing about and sharing it with everyone.

Either it could prompt others to dig more into parts I don't have the time to do now -or it could just help to pad out information to hopefully gain a bigger picture of what is really going on..
So any tit bits I come along that is relevant to the information war, I'll post them as I dig...

I had been searching for hours about 10 minutes, when this little nugget came up...

Fusion GPS was initially paid for by the Washington free beacon before Hillary got on board with it.

(I have put together some snippets from zero hedge, wiki, and soros files.
The Washington free beacon is a trojan horse.
Controlled opposition, for sure...)

After researching a few minutes on billionaire Paul Singer, Elliot Management Corp, and the crony capitalism he had been involved with during the Obama presidency - such as the automotive scam of taxpayers money - I had to post it to let people know ..
Whether it was Soros , Mcain, singer - or other players - the Fusion GPS investigation was from the left, irrelevant of labels that have been put on it.
Using the Washington free beacon as the funder's, it just gave it legitimacy. It's a 'conservative leaning publication', after all...

...Yeah, right...


I would like to give this more time and do it more justice, but I'll throw the gems out , the 'informational excavations', for you to read as I burrow forwards..

I have my own focus. I'm looking for my own particular gem...if it exists, I'll find it


what is crazy world we are in