Germany in 1930's.
Hitlers speech in Munich 1930.
The fire at the Reichstag, 1933.
The New chancellor, Adolf Hitler. The Third Reich, 1933.
The first concentration camp, Dachau. 1933.
The campaign of book burning's, 1933.
The boycott of Jewish owned business, 1934.
The night of the long knives 1934.
It scares me how little people know of history.
All the information we need to see of the unfolding events of the future, lie not in front of us, or with us , in the here and now.
The clues, sign posts, and 6 feet high flashing neon signs, all lie in the past.
And are there for us to take advantage of, to utilize, to help to avoid the mistakes made previously.
Yet, here we are, in 2019, and seemingly still blind to events of history, and how they unfolded.
We refuse to read the signposts!
I'm not going into much detail here, on the rise of the NAZI'S. It's well documented, and reading it yourself would give you a far better insight, a far more comprehensive view, than any postings I could do.
But I will give you some points that are disturbing echos from the past, possibly giving an indication of the future, if left unchallenged....
As Hitler gained power, to did the fear of opposing him.
Political dissidents were sent to the newly built Dachau concentration camp, and knowledge was being suppressed (propaganda) and even eradicated (book burnings). Legitimate businesses was not only boycotted, but attacked by the brainwashed sheep, and if not directly from Hitlers order, most definitely fueled on by his ideology and political outlook.
(side note: Interestingly, many of the actions carried out in Hitlers name, were never 'officially' sanctioned by him. From 'the final solution' at the Wannsee conference - the planned systematic destruction of the Jews - to the various acts on his rise to power - he was never actually witness to many of them, or condoned it. He was a politician. He directed, and the unthinking sheep, did his bidding).
Ah, but what the hell as this got to do with Steem?
We have a rally of the Steem faithfuls in a day or two, in Bangkok.
Any speeches?
.... I was doing some research into something very specific, and in my investigations, came across an interesting, and for me, disturbing little gem.
This speech below.
But before you get the speech itself read on.
In the 1930's in Germany, people became afraid. Very afraid.
And we all know how that turned out.
When freedom of speech is overshadowed by the threats of physical retribution, there is no freedom of speech.
When 'the neanderthal' (I use this term as a metaphor for the lesser developed human being) resorts to threats of violence, as a way to suppress others' freedom of speech', and nothing is done to counter it, we all know how that always turns out.
Sooner or later.
The neanderthal does, what the neanderthal is, and he does the bidding of his much cleverer masters.
The sheep do not realize they are sheep, of course, for they are unthinking automatons who just think that they are thinking.
At this point on the historical timeline - the one where we are right now- will be, I think, one of those times in history, that will be looked back as a time of The insane running the asylum....
Do we not look back at 1930's Germany and ask ourselves the question: 'how did they let it happen?'.
20/20 vision and hindsight is not a tool to be ignored, if we are to shape the future.
Are we 'letting it happen'? Right now, by our actions (or inaction)?
Are you the club wielding Neanderthal trying to suppress the freedoms of others because you don't like what others have to say?
Are the acts of violence, or the threats of violence, your weapon of choice, rather than open debate?
What does that say about you?
....that you have nothing of value to say?
Are you a part the Waffen SS, and you don't even realize it.?
Do you know that you are thinking, or do you only think that you're thinking?
And do you know the difference?
(I've never said 'be afraid, be very afraid', and actually meant it before now).
Well today, I am saying it - and meaning it in exactly that way.
.....if you aren't a little bit freaked out by the parallels exhibited in these thought processes (parallels or template? it could seen as either), you're either not thinking, , or on the steem gravy train in some fashion or other and in denial.
(Some people, I'm sure - would prefer to be on any gravy train without a soul, rather than on no gravy train, and spiritually intact).
Are you aware of how many Nazi's, from lowly solder to high ranking officers, didn't believe remotely in 'The Third Reich'?
hint: it was a lot.
They stayed 'loyal' to the cause, because of the life that was offered to them. A little pit of power bought their souls.
How cheaply would you sell your soul ?
Do you place any value on it at all?
Yes, Steemians read this 'inspiring speech', and see just how much you can identify with it.
This wasn't written by ned or andrarchy, or elipowell, or any of the stinc crew - or any of the sycophants who follow their leaders blindly.
A Steem cheer leader did not go anywhere near this little doozy.
It was written by no other than your favorite fascist...
Adolf Hitler !!!!
Yep, you read that correctly.
Read it and weep, becuase from how I see it - you're cheering on - exactly - the same seeds from the same ideology.
Don't believe me?
Keep reading, (you might need your hanky, though.)
Do you ever get a niggling feeling, that you've been cheated? or your cheating yourself somehow? or even deluding yourself?
( I had no choice, I was following orders).
You know how I mean....
in the same way that you see the people of Germany, being duped, in denial, or delusional, before WW2?
Know thyself.
Who's side are you on?
Do you even know there is a side?
Do you even give a fuck?
Are you thinking, or do you just think that you're thinking?
This speech is an historical fact....
(link below ).
I've changed four words more than once , but no more than a few times, and one word once.
That's it
1/ The opening sentence opposition' to 'Steeminc', - Only One time.
2/ 'The state', replaced by 'Steem',
3/ 'Constitution' replaced by 'Code',
4/ 'parliament.' replaced by 'DPOS'
5/ nation replaced by 'ecosystem'
As an intellectual exercise, I quickly looked glanced other speeches (not Hitler ones), over history...
I could find none that 'fit the bill' quite like the one above, but very interestingly, I -DID_ find many speeches that had echos.....from Lincoln, to Martin Luther Kings 'I have a dream'. (changing 'negro' to 'wage slave' etc..) of th esame narrative.
My point being, maybe all these are the same narrative edited to suit the time and space.
which make it worrying.
Is the Steem ecosytem anything radically different that whats been said, or proposed, before?
Is steem the establishment?
The opening speech, from Hitler in 1930, in Munich..... WORD FOR WORD....
check later if you don't believe me, but right now, just read it....
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Steemians.
Hankies at the ready!
Lets begin...
(Hitler talking) .....And the question at this time is: what are the aims of steeminc and its leaders?
It is a fight for an idea - a Weltanschhauung: and in the forefront stands a fundamental principle: Men do not exist for Steem, Steem exists for men.
First and far above all else stands the idea of the people: Steem is a form of organization of this people, and the meaning and the purpose of Steem are through this form of organization to assure the life of the people. And from this there arises a new mode of thought and thus necessarily a new political method.
We say: a new mode of thought. Today our whole official political outlook is rooted in the view that Steem must be maintained because Steem in itself is the essential thing; we, on the other hand, maintain that Steem in its form has a definite purpose to fulfill and the moment that it fails to fulfill its purpose the form stands condemned. Above everything stands the purpose to maintain the ecosystem's life - that is the essential thing and one should not speak of a law for the protection of Steem but for the protection of the ecosystem: it is of this protection that one must think.... In the place of this rigid formal organization - Steem - must be set the living organism - the people. Then all action is given a new untrammelled freedom: all the formal fetters which can today be imposed on men become immoral directly if they fail to maintain the people, because that is the highest purpose in life and the aim of all reasonable thought and action.
If today our action employs among its different weapons that of DPOS, that is not to say that DPOS exist only for DPOS ends. For us DPOS is not an end in itself, but merely a means to an end . . . we are not on principle a DPOS party - that would be a contradiction of our whole outlook - WE ARE A DPOS PARTY BY COMPULSION, UNDER CONSTRAINT, AND THAT COMPULSION IS THE CONSTITUTION(code).
The Code compels us to use this means. It does not compel us to wish for a particular goal, it only prescribes a way - a method, and, I repeat, we follow this way legally, in accordance with the Code: by the way laid down through the Code we advance towards the purposes which we have set before us.
Never can Code determine for all time the content of a purpose, especially when this content is not identical with the vital rights of a people. If today the Code admits for its protection laws which are headed, 'Laws for the Protection of the Republic,' then it is demonstrated that the most which our present Code can prescribe is nothing but the protection and the maintenance of a form, and that does not touch the maintenance of the ecosystem, of a people. This purpose is therefore free: this is the goal which we proclaim and to which we shall attain. . .
What do you ya recon to that THEN, fellow Steemians?
Do I now change the 'steemians' to the supporters of nationalist socialist workers party? lol)
(facists/commies/authoritarians, are all the same pond scum, its only the labels that are different).
Remember how it went down in Germany, after 1930?.
Dachau opened soon after this speech was made....
All the very best of luck to those can who think for themselves, and continue to stay here. (who are not on the gravy train).
Have a great Sunday, everyone!
I've been putting a lot of thought along similar lines lately. I wasn't thinking about Hitler or Germany but have found myself questioning the whole block chain- steem - where does this lead us down the road if continued to be left unchecked. Do we really want a system that can run roughshod over your entire life, know all your financials, level threats unchecked, as it builds it will be capable of doing whatever it wants to you way worse then any system in place now as anyone, that's ANYONE wielding more power than you will be able to destroy your life. I've been blogging for five years or better and I have never had anybody ever say until recently here: "You read far enough to that point to get to that point. Lol brace yourself mate. You don't know what just hit you. I'm just waiting for your identity to be revealed then you will know what's up. You can hide behind your social platforms for too long." I mean really....what sort of shit is that? He should have just said "shut the fuck up or I'll destroy you"....nah, that's just plain wrong, that's not somewhere I ever planned to be in my life, held hostage by fear.
So now what?....if you don't carry on you are submitting to the fear, if you do carry on you are submitting yourself to the consequences of this behavior.
I put in a report to someone behind the scene's on discord, I don't know if anything came of it, they never responded back. I see where someone else was having a problem with someone and she sought help and it got investigated...but she's part of the team, has a tribe...and that's not something I feel comfortable giving up, my own self identify in exchange for protection. I also had encounters with the same fellow she did, she even came to bat for me while I was, I appreciate that but the difference here is the old stick and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt analogy. Him spewing four letter expletives at me was nothing compared to someone declaring to destroy you if basically you don't shut the fuck up.
Flagging, striking down rewards, name calling is all within the realms of reality here....that's the magic word, "here", as in on this platform NOT in my personal life. When someone says you don't know what just hit you just wait till I find out who you are that's some bullshit and left unchecked is not a system I want to see flourish into the future.
Very good comment sir!
Ms, Miss or lady. Thank you.
Your parallels are disturbing, and sadly accurate! The brown shirts are today's antifa...I wonder if antifa knows what happened to the Brown shirt leaders?
But steemit trolls have been bragging about shouting down other people's free speech rights here on steemit. Fascists jerks for sure, and the steemit Whales allows it!
When the people in power advocate oppression, by either turning a blind eye or active support....we know what happens.
The parallels are stunning for anyone who studies History! This could kill steemit....
You should try They don't allow this!
I have no desire to kill steemit....I just made observations of modern times and history - and the scary parallels
I didn't make it up, I just saw it, and reported it.
I Still hope for steemit, but I see too many trolls here to think it has much chance. But we are both here, which means we are stubborn....
So I keep posting and hoping!
But weku is like the old steemit before the hardforks. I enjoy it myself.
I was gonna save this post for another day, but you inspired me to get it out there...
Thanks, I needed that; ROFLOL! Shared it.
More and more I read your post, i can understand better our community.thank you for good post.
Thanks matey, only trying to clarify and help.
People have a duty to themselves to examine opposing viewpoints if they have any love for the truth:
Most people, unfortunately, are afraid to learn they are wrong, though some few relish the opportunity to correct their understandings whenever possible.
I totally agree. This post wasn't about 'the jewish issue'.
(I've done my in depth research on that particular subject - from the maths at Treblinka, Sobibor etc.. I know.Most people aren't ready for pesky things like math or factual records.
Conflicts with their cognitive biases fed by the propaganda machine, is too much for many to handle).
This post was highlighting parallel of any centers of power, and the repetition of the same dynamics over the ages..
I resteem this post.