Winning not whining...some hard facts of life for the dreamers in business..

in #blog7 years ago

A lot of the time when I see some whiny self indulgent post, I am tempted to butt in and point out some obvious errors that are being made.
Most of the time it's crucial flaws in perspective.
But experience has also shown me (sadly), that it's generally too much trouble, and any input you offer, is seen as an attack on the person. (I have never understood this position).
A self defensive pose for the losers, and open and honest look at criticism's for the winners.

My past enemies are too numerous to count. And I'm fine with that.
No enemies? No life.
Not one of them is in a position to hurt me.
If your enemies are in this position to hurt, then YOU are at fault.
For whatever the reason, you have failed to win. A enemy that still poses a threat has not been deal with correctly.
You have left yourself exposed.
You are a loser. Change it.

There is a reason why friends and business do not go together. Most of the situations I have come across, where friends who have then turned to become enemies, is always through business.
Don't mix them, and avoid the potential problem.


It's not rocket science, it's understanding the realities of the human condition.
Keep your friends close and your enemies in business, as they say.

If you think you have learned a lot along the way, but somehow keep making this same fundamental mistake, you are stupid.
You have learned nothing. Losers repeat losing strategies, winners learn from losing strategies..

Let's face the reality, shall we? 90% of the problems you have in not winning are internal, and not external.

Life is competitive - as it should be - and any whining about that just denotes a losers frame of mind.
Change it. Give up whining. Keep whining, and keep losing.

Stop whining, and start winning!

Know the difference between friendship and business.
If you can't tell the difference, YOU are the problem.
Never be petty and vindictive, that's for the losers bath they love to wallow in.
Brush yourself off, let it go, and move on.
It's all about you 'in the now', and not past pain.

Personal problems? Tough shit, that's life.

Deal with it, and don't take them to work with you.
Losers carry baggage, winners carry challenges.

And always know which challenges are worth fighting to achieve, and which are pipe dreams..

Can you see your campaign laid out in front of you, as clear as day? If not, why not?
Don't fumble around in the darkness, just hoping you will succeed.

As Sun Tzu said (the art of war),
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”
You know inside if you are in the former or the latter position.
Adjust your position to always be the former.


Know your ground, and only do battle if it is in your favor. (not Sun Tzu, but a close approximation).
If you are the outsider, make alliances, for you can never occupy hostile ground. (being successful in growing a business).

Conflict is a losing strategy when you are trying to establish yourself. Winners make alliances.
You are not special, and never let your ego blind you to this reality.
Adopting a superior attitude in a hostile environment is a guaranteed way to find yourself on the outside..
And never keep fighting a losing battle. Ever.

Cut your losses and regroup to fight another day. Change your ground.
Loser fight to the death, winners return to fight again..

Business isn't racist sexist or homophobic, (if you see those in business YOU are the problem) but it does have a never ending love affair with money.
Provide that love to business, and the everything else will work out just fine..
Make yourself valuable with action, not words.

Words are for whiners, action is for winners.

If you find YOURSELF in a negative frame of mind (whining about your lot in life), because of the competition and the dog-eat-dog mentality that comes with business - then you are playing the wrong game.
If the tension of competition makes you unhappy, you're in the wrong game.

Choose a different game, if you ever want to be a winner.
Know yourself.



I wish people just focus on looking out for the little things that made them fail within then, as you saidThis was well written @lucylin , concise ,informative and straight to the point.

90% of the problems you have in not winning are internal, and not external.

@lucylin , please permit me to share your link in my today's post, it's a coincident we've choose to write on winners and losers today. you can visit my blog @zeuz , it will be a pleasure to have you there......I'll be awaiting your permission.

resteem away, friend (or share links, or whatever, no worries)