She walked confidently into the room expecting...well, she wasn't really sure what to expect in all honesty.
It wasn't a run of the mill interview for a job so she couldn't really picture it as an 'interview panel' type of thing, or a relaxed, easy chair conversation, type thing, either.
The room was empty except for an expensive looking, dark wooden desk, which was framed from behind with large windows.
An envelope was on the desk, she saw, and she walked over to it. It had her name on it.
Assuming it was meant for her, she opened it up and read it's contents...
'Please stand two meters from the desk, and we will be with you shortly. We are watching you right now..'
Amy Beccy was not thrown by this- if fact she was expecting it. Becky Charlie had already told her some things about how this meeting might be conducted.
She stood there patiently, waiting...she thought back about the last days conversation she's had with Charlie, before she came for this meeting.... of the last conversations she'd had, while she was still called Amy, in fact....
“Why now?” Amy asked her new friend, “Why me?”
"Truthfully," Becky said (she wasn't Charlie, quite yet), "One of our girls had just had enough, she couldn't handle it anymore. That's the way it goes sometimes. It happens. It's easy to get worn down living this life. Very easy,”
"Ok, I can understand that from what you've told me so far, but why me?” Amy asked wanting to know more.
“Your fit,” Becky said “That's always a big reason,”
“You followed me to the gym ,?” Amy said.
She knew she was much fitter than most people, and most of her spare time was spent in the gym, or in the pool.
She loved exercise.
“No, you stupid cow, you're fit as in gorgeous, sexy, ” Becky said, smiling.
“Oh,” Amy said, sounding deflated. She wasn't expecting that.
“Oh, grow up,” Becky said, harshly, impatience in her tone. “We're not her playing at this, you know. You're fit, I'm fit, its the way it goes. We use any and all advantages. Sex is one of them.”
“I know that, I get it, and I get how it might be used, but....” Amy said, suddenly finding herself with nothing to say
“But,?” Becky said, pushing Amy “ But, fucking what,? ”
“Oh I dunno,” Amy said. And the truth was, she didn't.
She realized her childish response was just that. She'd better toughen up- and quick, if she wanted to 'get real'.
“Sorry, Becks,” Amy said, “I was being whiny wasn't I ? Sorry,”
"Yes, you fucking were,” Becky said, still annoyed “Just cut it out, I have no time for it, we've no time for that, ok? ”
“OK," whining over, ” Amy said feeling better, somehow. She realized she had just grown up just that little bit more, with a five second exchange.
“ They probably have you lined up for some honey traps, Ames, they're a sure fire way to get information. Men are so stupid when they think a beautiful girl likes them,” Becky said, very matter of fact.

“What is it with them?," Amy said, “ A night of fun and then they think you want to marry them! Fuck off, I say!”
Becky laughed, knowing exactly what her friend meant.
“Well, Ames, you might be getting plenty of meaningless sex with this job,” Becky said half smiling. “Sometimes it can fun!” She added, “ Ya might as well enjoy your work if you can, eh?”
“Cool," Amy said, “I've no interest in a relationship with anyone, but I do need to scratch an itch sometimes, get some physical action now and again, if you know what I mean.
Normally I just go and get a hook up for a night . End of. I don't need a man,”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I like them too- but I just couldn't eat a whole one!” Becky said chuckling.
Amy smiled, intrigued as to where his new life might be leading her, and what new experiences lay ahead....
...Her thoughts came back into the room and where she was now standing.
She looked around.
She felt like she was being watched. 'I bet they were enjoying the view ' She thought to herself.
She had dressed to impress.
She knew exactly how men saw her. 'Well, dressed to impress men,' she thought, cynically.
A door opened, and three people walked into the room.... One of them was Charlie...
'Now that was unexpected,' She thought to herself smiling, confidentially appraising the three of them as they approached her..
I'm curious to see where you take this story...I've really enjoyed it so far :)
I know where it's goin' - but I'm, not tellin'!
thank you!