I can't recall when this happened
It becomes very difficult to hide this secret from everyone
Wherever the purpose of all this, let this be a love story
Come, you have defeated me and I have been defeated by my heart
Today, with difficulty my lips say love
Like an overcast cloud covering the sky
Make a lover meet for the first time
Burning desire in the heart
Show them the way of happiness
Bringing the freshness and beauty of tears
So tonight feels very long without end
Steal the sleep that makes solace
Giving a real dream till the morning is approaching
Maybe I need to stay away for a while
To be able to gather all my feelings
Then calm my heart that beat fast
Slow down, so we do not precede the time
No one knows how far this will go
Bila sudah terkena sentuhan cinta, semua orang bagai penyair.
Selamat beristirahat kawan, biar lah waktu yang menjawab semuanya.
Terimakasih kawan
Sukses selalu
Sipp 👍
Breutoh barang...
Hana Pat koh...
Meuhambo meusipreuk
Slow down so you will have the chance to enjoy every moment you are meant to enjoy.
Of course
Have a nice day
Thanks :)