Introduction To An Original Mythic Saga: Keeper Of Gudrun

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Salutations Steemates! You are invited to accompany me on an adventure, a mythical journey into the fabled lands of Gudrun. I am in the process of completing the early chapters of a new saga titled: Keeper Of Gudrun



From a creative standpoint it was surprising to me how naturally and immediately the story came to life as I spiritedly drew the map of this story.

In the meantime, let me entertain you with a bit of overture and some lore of the land. (23).gif

The legends say that the ancestors of Gudrun came from far across the southern sea. They fled the behemoths emerging from the great watery deep, giant thrashing serpents whom had attacked the land and chased the people north along the waters and all the way to the northern most mountains where they beheld the Mountain god.

The Mountain god broke off giant rocks from the mountains and hurled them at the serpent monsters, sending them back into sea.


The Mountain god was enchanted by the beautiful golden horses the people brought with them from across the water and grabbed them all in his giant arms, which he carried with him over the mountains.

Ireon the king, brokenhearted by the death of many of his brethren and the loss of all his resplendent horses, chased the mountain god across the crumbling mountains and was never seen or heard from again.

A hundred years later a young and lonesome horse was said to have been seen near the fields, east of the lake. She ran along the river and jetted east along Daggers Path and along the southern cliffs like a golden shooting star.


Her lifeless body was found in the far east. Her grave marked the center of a great city that flourished for nearly two hundred years, the city of Oberon.

One dark day an army of giants descended upon the city from the northern mountains, shattering the great city to pieces and taking with them the horse's tomb and centermost monument.

The death bringing giants placed the monument, beyond the dark forest, far to the north, atop one of the mountain peaks, where it can still be seen glimmering at dusk.

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