I Will Be Happy Now

in #blog8 years ago

We tend to believe that we are not complete until we reach our preconceived idea of success, beauty, or status. We think that until we get a new dress or until we get a new car then we will be happy. It is this philosophy that plagues the west today. We start out as kids being told from mom and dad "No don't do that" or "Yes, good job". Basically setting the guidelines at an early age of when we are allowed to be happy and when we are not. This guideline then evolves and integrates into sports, school, and social life. We have the thoughts of "Gosh, I will be so happy when I pass that test", and "I will be so happy when I find my wife/husband", or even "I will be happy when I get that job, degree, paycheck, etc." If we understood that we do not need anything to be happy but instead we can decide when and where and how we will be happy, then there would not be so much hate, anger, and despair. The journey is what it is all about and yes the journey has checkpoints but the checkpoints are not the sources of happiness and love.:You are.

Have a great day steemit I know I am!



Very nice friend. Have a great day as well.