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RE: Weather report from Norway... What the hell...?

in #blog5 years ago

How it looks depends on the weather very much. After a few warm weeks in late April/early May, birch leaves can be fully grown by now. I've seen fully grown leaves on birches around Apr 25 in Tampere in 2004 after a warm spell when the raily maximum reached 25 C for a couple of days. But the deciduous trees can be completely bare, too, if the spring has been colder than average.


I saw some video of it snowing there yesterday? seems like it's a bit erratic but then for a local they would be used to it. Just sounds odd to me, but then so would 47 degree days here sound odd to someone who has never experienced it I guess.

I don't recall it having snowed in Lahti yesterday. But in Tampere it could've. Or the video may have been shot the day before yesterday. Tampere is about 120 km closer to the source of this nasty cold spell (the prevailing wind direction has been northwesterly). The cold weather did not cause too much real danger or harm, not even in traffic.

I made a couple of posts about it:

The day before yesterday:


It was Tampere yesterday, my sister in law sent a pic and Taraz some video. I'll look at the posts.