The men who build the house

in #blog7 years ago (edited)




Construction workers help erect residential, educational, business and government structures. They typically perform basic tasks such as cleaning sites and preparing construction materials, and digging trenches or filling holes. No formal education is needed because most pick up their skills on the job. Look around & you can see the evidence of the construction-- roads, buildings, offices, schools, houses and hospitals.

Can you imagine what our life would be with out these hardworking people working full time in order to finish their project? Building a house is not easy no matter how simple. We need individuals to make it done.

I give salute to all the workers who make our life more comfortable. The success of every infrastructures is due to the contribution of all the construction workers who exerted much effort.

These two have been working for several days in order to finish my house. Thanks to their efforts and willingness to work.


we owe this to them, to their hardwork

I know how hard it is and how their body felt after each day of hard work. muscle pain is almost felt in their body. but their is no way they stop on doing it because everybody needs a job or business to survive.