The coffee table my husband and I have been making is finished. I love it when a plan comes together! Sees parts 1 and 2.
Once we had a central line to go from, we started gluing down the pieces individually, wiggling things about a bit to get a good fit. We used clamps and a couple of planks of wood to keep everything in place, doing a little section at a time.
As you can see in the photo below, the pieces of wood aren't perfectly level. We'll get to this later.
After the wood was all glued into place and secure, my husband used his circular saw to trim off the edges.
After trimming off the excess wood, my husband used a sander to neaten the edges of the table.
The corners were smoothed down to no one has any accidents.
Next, my husband used a sander to take off the top layer of lacquer on the wood and get a level surface. The wood was painted with a clear polyurethane lacquer, then the process was repeated for a super smooth finish.
A few close-up photos.
So now it's all done, and ready to use. Thanks for having a look, and hope you enjoyed it!