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RE: A post without pictures.

in #blog7 years ago

I've never told anyone this; but every time I say, 'in the meantime'; in my head I think, 'in the twixtwhile'.
I realise Twixtwhile isn't a word, but it's heaps better than meantime.
I like to mix words, too.
Flustrated, Frustered, Specsational, Senstacular


In the twitwhile sounds like a great way to start a story about a car crashing going in slow motion. :)

Mimsy and I were taking the vorpal up to Tulgey Wood, when we burbled through a bandersnatch just past Twillig.
The momeraths outgrabe, and we gyred and gimbled right across the borogoves, coming to rest hard up against a tumtum tree.

Sounds very old English! Lol!
