Libro vacío/Empty book

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Me perdí de todo, de supe de mí, me decepcione de la vida, de la gente, de los amigos, de la familia, del trabajo, de todo lo que significaba o debería tener ti y finalmente de mi. Me encontré perdida, sin horizonte, vacía y sin nada, perdí toda esperanza o impulso para seguir, llegué a pensar en cosas terribles. Me descubrí sin deseos de vivir, sin deseos de nada, con unas ganas inmensas de que este vacío se alejara de mí, de mis entrañas, de mi cuerpo, simplemente dejar de sentir ese hueco, ese hoyo que no se llenaba con nada. Jamás había tenido, sentido o si quiera imaginado una sensación así, era algo nuevo para mí, un camino diferente, un lugar que no conocía, el solo recordarlo me causa escalofríos.

I missed everything, everyone ... I did not know about myself, I was disappointed with life, with people, with friends, with family, with work, with everything that meant or should have meaning ... about you and finally of me. I found myself lost, without horizon, empty and without anything, I lost all hope or impulse to continue, I came to think of terrible things. I discovered no desire to live, no desire for anything, with an immense desire that this emptiness would move away from me, from my insides, from my body, to simply stop feeling that hole, that hole that was not filled with anything. I had never had, felt or even imagined such a feeling, it was something new for me, a different path, a place I did not know, just remembering it gives me the chills.