Barely slept last night, and suspect this is an indication that I'm not compatible with city life anymore. As a matter of fact, the thing that bothered me the most was how silent everything was.
Frogs and crickets
To a city dweller, what I'm about to say might sound like the ramblings of a man losing his mind, but then again I can't say that's not a little accurate either.
My nights in the farm are never quiet, ever. All night a choir of critters sing us to sleep, and in a way drown out intrusive thoughts attempting to rob me of a good rest.
I've grown to love the sound of rain, gentle rain caressing the ground might be the closes thing to ASMR indulging I get. The frogs, the crickets and other critters I can't quite identify complete the concerto, gifting me peace.
Tiredness aside, because it barely matters my eye bags might remind people of a racoon, I'm focused on what we came here to do.
After posting this little blog entry of mine, my wife and I are going to pack up, and leave the hotel towards a shady part of town where the government building of our interest exists. We are to be interviewed by a government official, a conversation that was scheduled to determine if our marriage is real.
As you can imagine such interview does not worry me in the least, because it's hard to see us, our interactions and not know we are a married couple.
It blows my mind to think about the fact that my wife and I have been together for thirteen years at this point, and as far as I can tell, we've never been closer.
Can't wait to be done, go home, see me pups, hold my tiny angels in my arms and crawl into my own bed again.
Can't wait to hear our crickets and frogs perform for us again, while I battle mosquitoes all night long.
Does that make sense?
Well, it does to me.
I remember back in the late 90s I met this girl from Oaxaca Mexico, and because I was a crazy young person I hopped on a bus from Austin Texas and went straight down south until basically I hit water in a little village called Puerto Angel. I stayed in this tiny fishing village for a couple of years, often sleeping outside on a hammock to the sounds of the jungle and ocean crashing. No civilization for hundreds of miles. I got so used to these sounds it felt like my breathing synchronized to the ocean.
When I finally moved back to Austin, it took me weeks to fall asleep properly. Everyone seemed so manic, running around in circles. The TVs, angry drivers in traffic, negative energy and the lack of the jungle sounds really messed with me! So I totally get where you're coming from. You get used to a particular pace of life and sounds of the night and it's hard to adjust to such a big change.
what a cool story, how cool of an experience.... Well, we can adapt, I'm sure that I went back to florida, back "home", I would eventually find a way to cope with the silent nights, but I can't say that sounds like a good plan. At least not for now.
Thanks for sharing bro
I love meno and his posts, just found myself going deeper and was pulled in by the title dead space.
In the early 2000's i was living in Austin. i headed to Mexico on a bus needing to escape the U.S. i ended up in Oaxaca and fell in love with a girl. Chased her to Puerto Angel. Hammocks and romantic walks down through the fisherman's boats.
When i returned standing in line to get my passport stamped they had the news on the tv's. We were freshly at war with Iraq. I felt the pulse of the U.S. the anxiety washed into me. It was so tangible. I knew i needed to figure a way to get out. But your comment @nuthman has really hit me as it felt like a fun house mirror. Casting an image that felt like me but wasn't.
I believe I get your point about the crickets preventing intrusive thoughts... Usually at night I sleep like a baby because I don't a lot in the day... But during the day it's almost impossible to sleep unless I'm playing a video and it stops me from thinking and my mind can rest well
Oh, I get you 100% -- look on here, nuthman's story is a perfect example of how I think my mind changed..
Would love to check out that story
It worries me because it is even happening. I despise government intrusion, have suffered beyond understanding from it, and am not as complacent as are you that you are facing it. My hope is that it is no more than it appears to be, as so much government isn't, at all.
My best wishes that it all went exactly as you expected, is over, and will never arise again.
everything worked out perfectly, I'm told... so yaaay...