Shaykh Ibn Yamun hinted at the main things for his honeymoon, both day and time, in his nazham following the following kingz:
وفضلن غرة الشهر فقد # فضل في الأيام قل يوم الأحد
"Prioritize the honeymoon at the beginning of the month, all the early days of the month are the main." Say it Sunday. "
Sheikh penazham explains that the honeymoon at the beginning of the month is more important than the end of the month, because of something expected for the glory of a child who will be born as the moon increases. Similarly planting plants should be done at the beginning of the month, because the plant will be able to bear more than if planted at the end of the month.
As Imam Qazwani said, sun-honeymooning was done in the month of Shawwal, because there is a hadith from 'A'ishah ra. which has been mentioned in the preceding section. Sheikh pe nazham also explained that the honeymoon on Sunday is the most important of the other days. Because there is information narrated by Ali ibn Abi Talib shahabat. that Allah SWT. started creating the heavens and the earth on Sunday. When asked about Sunday, Rasulullah Saw. replied that Sunday is the day of planting and enlivening. For, Allah Almighty. started creating the world and enliven it on Sunday. However, the more general and saheeh opinion is Allah SWT. started creating nature on Saturday. Even in the book of Ar-Raudhul Anfi Imam Suhail was put forward, that the Prophet Saw. never said:
good to know this stuff . tnx @ messwir