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RE: Having an in-sync day - a gift from the Universe

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

People like to define things as right or wrong, good or bad, but perhaps that depends on the individual with their beliefs and morals.

When we drink tea, who decides what tea is good or bad? The tea itself does not call itself good or bad; or perhaps not even have the awareness that it is called a tea (or maybe it does). The flow is like tea. Neither good, bad, wrong, or right except for the label we choose to attach to it.

Depending on the individual, if they may be tuned into "apathetic" feelings, it doesn't matter how much money they have, relationships they are or not in, their career or lack thereof; their whole world may feel like crap and falling apart. They are in that flow, and all will continue until they decide to change their story. Then they can be in the "joyful" flow where all goes perfect. The flow is the tao and will provide where the person is at and heading (which can change in a moment or stay indefinitely by taking responsibility). Therefore, is it possible that the flow is always in sync depending where one is aware or unaware of being in sync to?

Perhaps what needs to happen is taking out the trash. The trash is everything that keeps one from the moment of truly being. Then they can realize how much they create in their life from beliefs and doubts; whether conscious, subconscious, collective unconscious, or tuned intuition of superconsciousness. Then they can maintain or switch to a certain sense of being and flow. The flow moves like sound, or light; which is like a sine wave. With "ups" and "downs" which are part of the flowing wave, the power of consciousness affects the experience to speed up or slow down or change completely.

Keep moving when guided to move. Rest and reflect when needed. Move again and create. Rest and integrate. Inhale, hold, exhale, hold. The secret of the universe and flow is something we are doing and a part of everyday. The key is like what you said, being very well in tune to feel and sense it, then to flow with change yet directed with cosmic intelligence. =)