Friends and Family: An announcement.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)



Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time.

I’m embarking on the next phase of my life. It’s a combination of all the things I enjoy with the high hopes of providing an example of a better way. Long ago my father planted an idea in my head…”If you do what you love, you won’t have to work a day.” I’ve found it and I want to share it.

I’ve had a pretty exciting life, I’ve traveled the world, lived in chic places, and done many exotic things. I’ve pursued construction as a career because I wanted to build stuff and deliver to people things that would enhance the quality of their life. I took a great deal of pride in delivering superior homes, buildings, factories, even a airport. Prior to that I served in the military, not because the pay was great or I could see new places but because I thought it was the most honorable thing to do for my country, for my family and for the respect of others. I learned a great deal along the way.

However, nothing compares to the excitement I feel now. The feeling I have and the conviction I feel because I’m doing the right thing. The enterprise I’m participating in creating will allow people to make choices they didn’t know they had, be aware of opportunities and abilities they’re probably aren’t aware of. Offer a quality of life that few realize is even possible.

I’ve found myself in a circle of people who desire better. Who are on the cutting edge of new technologies that promise to change everything. If you thought the internet was a jump in technology, just wait until you see what is coming. The sky's the limit and I find myself in the midst of it. The problems the world faces, the ones that seem to fill newscast after newscast ARE SOLVABLE. War, famine, unrest and poverty, to name a few, have been with us for far too long. It’s time to step beyond the basic needs and move forward, to develop our minds and bodies, strengthen our relationships, and show what we can do when we work together. We have the knowledge and we can develop the ability.

New technology brings many positives but we have to be cognizant of negatives as well. As people, we have strengths and we have weaknesses. How we prepare ourselves, how we set our expectations, for ourselves and in our relationships, mentally, physically, spiritually is important. My aim is to produce an example that shows the best way we know, to provide the opportunity for a choice everyone can make to put themselves on a path to the life they want to live.

The future is bright for those who take the time and make the effort. Those are the people I’m going to spend my time working with, collaborating with and developing products, services, skills and abilities that truly transform the world we live in. Exciting times indeed!

I welcome your support, your interest and you’re collaboration. Please, feel free to reach out! It’s going to be fun!

Peace, Prosperity and Freedom Ahead!



PS… More to come!

I strive to be a Peacemaker, an Entrepreneur and a Ambassador for Great Ideas (ie a Problem solver). I also wish to be a Artist, a Mentor and an Ethicist one day. At times I struggle to communicate the passions I have but I endeavor to do so meaningfully from my heart to others. All as I enjoy my life as a never-ending vacation in a place I adore. I care about what I do, I care about the people I do it with and I leave the rest to fall into place. ~ MikeonFire


Sounds interesting, what is your new venture?

Very curious!!!! What is happening? -Catherine

Mike, I value our friendship, cowaberation and your vision. Thank you for helping to inspire creative thought around the RemedyCoin project. Your encouragement has meant a great deal to me. Best wishes on this new course of action and attention.

Glad to hear some curiosity... I'm still doing some collaboration on the exact final details so I need to keep the veil of mystery up a little longer.