Targeted Individuals and Canadian Values

in #blog6 years ago

I was reading a blog from Carmichael Outreach in Regina SK when I came across this post about Canada day and Canadian values.

This made me reflect on all the information that is not known to the general public but that I am aware of. I know if the public knew the truth they would protect the victims that are currently being ignored.

I'm not sure how much we've really progressed as a country when today certain Canadians are treated like 2nd class citizens. Targeted Individuals (TI's) are tortured, raped, robbed, slandered, stalked and abused in many other ways covered by the criminal code of Canada. There is currently advanced technology being used against ordinary citizens and it's completely ignored by the authorities. Often authorities will laugh at a TI and bring them to a hospital over and over again.

Powerful brain technologies such as mind reading (invented in 1970's), V2S/V2K (1970's), parametric speakers (20th century), the “pause weapon” (as recent as Obama's brain initiative and optogenetics now sonogenetics) are all public science. These little known or discussed dangerous technologies are in the hands of common rapist psychopaths and other wealthy criminals. Needless to say the problems caused by these technologies are not solved with antipsychotic medication. The RCMP and the emergency room psychiatrists are usually unaware about the real state of the world today. The government has knowledge about these problems, yet somebody is refusing to inform the police and doctors nationwide. There are children as young as 13 being molested by a voice in their heads that they can clearly understand is not a hallucination but are considered to be delusional by anybody they complain to. Our government can solve this problem but instead it's got it's head in the sand.

Please write the Minister responsible for the RCMP and Hospitals to demand he investigate these problems for everyone complaining about them as it threatens national security, freedom and liberty. The minister is Mr. Ralph Goodale and can be emailed at [email protected]

I have survived as a TI for 55 months since I witnessed the rape and murder of a still unidentified friend on her way to visit me. Penticton RCMP said “f off” and the police complaints commission assigned a constable who was transferred to another jurisdiction. I have had more than 300 death threats as that is when I stopped counting.

I'm not mentally ill, on the contrary, I'm an expert. Ironically I'm one of the best people to understand the facts since my career makes me an “Information Scientist”. This is not a title I made up, it comes from over a decade of specific work experience requirements in the field of Information Systems.

The government does have this technology and uses it against spies and terrorists. I am the only TI I've met that does not believe it's the government torturing and murdering us. I object to believing we live in a worse than Nazi Canada. I believe most of the public shootings around the world in the last several years are all due to Targeting. It used to be called going postal due to the higher incidence of suicide among postal workers and now people may not even be aware of that term, instead going postal is now considered to be a side effect of mental illness but it's not.

The government doesn't believe criminals target people even though they know the technology is public science. We have cross border criminal cases such as the 12 year old child from Abbotsford who had videos recorded out his eyes by a perpetrator using mind reading and eventually arrested in Santa Ana. Many years have come and gone and still nothing is done. Dr John Hall discovered a woman was raped every day due to the pause weapon and was completely unaware of it. She is now voluntarily in an institution due to the lack of security from police and the disgusting violent nature of the crime she could not otherwise prevent.

There is much more to the story.

If you know any Canadian TI's or want to support our cause, find more information by joining Targeted Individuals Canada on Facebook. Help save our lives and Canada by taking 5 minutes to write the Minister Ralph Goodale, MP from Regina. This minister worked with Pierre Elliot Trudeau, our current prime ministers father. The senior Trudeau believed in a Canada that was similar to the Canada described by the Carmichael Outreach blog post, and constantly referred to it as a “just society”.

How can Canadians feel better about our country's past injustices and mistakes when we ignore today's failings and seem to be sorry only for what has been done in the past. Japanese Canadians incarceration during WWII, Duplessis orphans, 60's scoop, Somalia, the church and treatment of Native Americans are only a few of the things we believe could not happen again since we've learned from our mistakes.

Targeted Individuals deserve the same rights and protections as everybody else. If we only recognize the injustice after TI's are dead instead of listening to them (in person) today then we might as well allow the perpetrators to write our history.

Try to imagine how it would feel on Canada day if so many serious crimes were commit against you (rape, murder, assault, thefts, threats, advanced technology). Visualize that you complained and Canadian government agents and officials laughed and sent you to a hospital or in a best case completely ignored you? If the contents of this plea bother you or you do not believe the situation is as out of control as this, then consider what I know. One day in your lifetime you will know this all to be true and if the TI problem is not addressed before it's too late, we won't have a chance to apologize, all of Canada will have lost the war for freedom without even showing up to fight.

Thank you.

Stephan Unrau
Information Scientist (Expert)
Targeted Individual


I count on Steemit for tracking all changes to my posts. Facebook and other content publishing sites are insufficient due to the stalkers stealing passwords and removing evidence of their serious crimes. It's worse than that even... The enemy even has a "pause weapon" that pauses you where you are stuck doing the same thing over and over, when you are unpaused you have no memory of the time you are paused, the enemy uses this for rape, assault, theft, computer crimes...sick... TI's need help, if you enjoy, please get a Steemit account and vote for our articles.