You're so young to be having to deal with these things. I have a friend, who's in her 50s, and she has a few autoimmune disorders. They didn't develop until later in life than yours, at least not to the severity they got. A few years ago she said she reached a point where her memory and cognitive reasoning left her practically incapable of doing anything.
As a last resort she turned to changing her diet and natural therapies. She's completely gluten intolerant, probably celiacs, but testing for it requires her to be eating it for three months, which would cripple her. She has severe reactions to chemicals and mould. She eats mostly paleo to cut out all the foods that she reacts to. Her one treat is A2 milk and cheese, which she says she probably shouldn't eat, but they don't make her severely ill and you only live once!
She still gets good and bad days, but for the most part the brain fog has lifted, she doesn't always get a migraine at the slightest whiff of chemicals now. Even in the year and a half that I've known her she's shown some improvements. Some things she's just learnt to deal with and know her limits, like the arthritis.
I'm in awe of people like you guys who constantly have this going on under the surface, yet still, somehow, function as best you can.
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My god, im so sorry to hear about your friend, automimmune diseases is still so new, only been around for just under 100 years, theres so littlw they know about it, it makes it hard to manage as a sufferer. Im glad to hear your friend took her illness in to her own hands and has made changes to improve her life as best as she can, its an inspiration to others like me on those days where you just feel like you can't keep doing it anymore. Thank you so much for your kind words, its very much appreciated :)
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I believe she'd feel very happy to think that she has inspired someone else.
Love and strength to you to always keep getting back up and fighting.
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