Thanks so much, @janenightshade. Tom had a thick head of hair back in high school, so I always kind of do a double-take when I see pics of him with it buzzed down so low. I'll take Vin Diesel as a compliment for him, since he played football and lifted weights. :)
Non-fiction into fiction is a path I've attempted before, and I have never felt I succeeded with it. There are stories, and there are memories, and unless it's on a very superficial level, I have trouble mixing the two effectively. Just not that good a writer, I suppose. :)
Ha! Yeah, I guess I didn't make the joke obvious enough, since I linked Counting Crows' (and Vanessa Carlton, on backup vocals, I want to say...?) cover of her song. Pretty lame attempt at humor, but I'll own it. :D
Oh, I didn't click the link. I didn't realize CC did a cover of Big Yellow Taxi? My bad, so sorry!
I think you are a much better writer than you give yourself credit. But maybe you just have to grow your mind into that mindset? I didn't really seriously start turning my experiences into fiction until I was 48.