Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
When I look into the sky, I sometimes get scared to die, as I realize at the moment how beautiful life can be. For years I have refused to think about death. After a deep depression, I had no other option but to completely analyze death, because this topic also anchored my depression.
I will write about the subject more often, so I am brief and explain only my first thoughts.
How is death? It is a state in which we, according to our minds, do not exist.
This condition was very familiar to me until I realized that before I lived it was in exactly the same state. I didn't exist before my life. So we were all at least once death and are reincarnated in this life from the non-existence. This gave me the idea of being born again, much more realistic and more probable.
To be continued. Have a nice evening.
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
vivid photography ,The way you handle the camera is just awesome