Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Often, when I look at the sky during the sunset, I get very strong impulses from yearnings.
The feelings are so intense that I often have to calm down again. It is a mix of something paradisiacally beautiful, but at the same time I miss something so much. As if i would remember for a moment where my soul came from. I have had these feelings since I can think. That's why I have always had a confident spirituality in me. Namely, that everything will be fine in the end. The source that I always feel and miss.
When I'm in the woods, I can relax. I love to breathe in the fresh air. I love to experience the different times of the day. When I'm long gone I miss nature so strongly that I could cry. I hope so much that we humans do not continually exploit and destroy nature. When I see the plastic pollution or the deforestation. When I see how many species of animal are dying out or we breed animals just to be able to eat a lot of meat, I am ashamed to be human.
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Nice photo!