Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Love becomes more and more superficial. Since we have lost ourselves, no partner can help us permanently. It's the same every time. You fall in love and are happy for a certain time. But when the euphoria ends you can not do anything with yourself and your partner again.
We have forgotten how to love ourselves. We will never be able to love our partner unconditionally if we can not even manage it with us. And we can fall in love again 10,000 times, we will never feel complete. We will never feel at home unless we give ourself a home.
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
If we do not change anything, we will be dependent slaves and hope for our package of emotions every day. But no one in this world can really make you happy except yourself.
If you really want to love then from now on every day ask this question: "How can I make myself happy today?"
Try to answer that question every day.
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
From time to time you will get to know yourself and realize that you have always been perfect. You realize that you no longer need anyone to be happy.
Now you are capable of loving unconditionally.
And you will attract a like-minded partner. Instead of demanding you experience together.
And now you are one of the few people on this planet who is really happy and can really love ...
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
hello my friend, i couldnt agree with you more. It is very important for people to get to know and love themselves 1st before committing to another person. This valuable lesson is not taught or shared with young adults too often.
I missed your comments bro 😊😊😊👊👊 hope you are good.
thanks bro, i took a small break from posting but ive still been checking out your daily content. good stuff as always!
Writing about this topic is very interesting, I believe that in order to love we must first love ourselves, if we see ourselves in a mirror and look ourselves in the eyes and ask the following question: who is the love of our life? and the mirror will return our image and we will realize that we have loved without expecting anything in return, that we have mistreated ourselves, trample on our dignity, and forget ourselves as a person, and if we do not love ourselves, will we have the capacity to love another person ?, then learn to be happy and then share that happiness. Thanks friend for all your support, I am learning about unimaginable topics that were once hidden topics. @monkeydnima
😊❤ thanks for your comment again
Thank you again for your unconditional support, despite the distance, I am happy in my heart to find an altruistic person who goes through life to teach us that we are in this world to love and share. You are helping us to survive through steemit. a big greeting from Venezuela. @monkeydnima
You teach me also a lot 😊 and yes I always want to support ❤
Sometimes when we talk about love we think about others I think we never think about ourselves and you are right it is wrong that concept we must love ourselves and then love others
Thats true my dear 😊
What more certain words, I believe that happiness begins with ourselves, we should love and respect ourselves, accept us and then give place to another person and love them, you write very nice, just like your photographs
I love your comment you understood it❤
My friend, I think that it's about culture, because it's not explained, that a family member plays a trick on us, and we forgive him and we remain a family. As a couple it is very difficult, if we make a mistake they judge us and condemn us because I have lived this love but it is very difficult, the worst is not being alone. What a dilemma, very good writing. I hope you keep writing about the subject you always learn from other people, greetings
A really interesting comment. Thank you. I hope you are good my friend.
well my friend this world is full of good and bad people, some teach you good and some teach you bad, it depends on you which teacher you choose.
A good one or bad one :)
Aaahaaa brother, what a beautiful description of unconditional love you've shared in this world full of materialistic people. The main thing is we have to start love ourselves. That will help nothing else.
i saw in your photo you alwayes try to make different in your photo... if i saw in this blog there is two sky photo one have sun and one have not... thats a great thought... and two flowes photo whisch are different to see... one is in water one is not... its a great combination of photography... keep it up.... a real photographer only maintain this... congratulation for your work...