New job, new life, new city—these words were etched in my mind as the beginning of a new chapter in my life. When I stepped into this city after a long time away from my parents, it felt like a unique journey of finding my identity in an unknown direction had begun. From that first day, I felt a sense of excitement in the office corridors, meeting rooms, and the joy of mingling with new colleagues, but at the same time, memories of loving parents, spending time with friends, or the vibrancy of my hometown—everything seemed to be mingling with each other.
That quiet, long sleep habit of old is now like a sweet dream of the past. Where earlier I used to sleep in the morning until 11, today I see after opening my eyes, office quarrels, school visits, and meeting new people for the first time. Every morning is like a call for a new challenge, where on one hand the tide of new experiences is flowing, on the other hand the memories of those ancient dreams, which sometimes blossomed in father's love story or mother's warm smile.
The first few days in the office seemed like an endless test. While the strict orders of the boss, humor with seniors, and the joy of working together with new colleagues inspire me on the one hand, on the other hand, the pressure of sitting in front of the computer for hours reminds me that the creativity of art, that free thinking - everything has now entered the strict schedule of time. At the end of the day, when I walk out the door of the office with a tired mind, I feel as if I have lost myself in the memories of the old days, where art was an integral part of life.
Walking on the streets of a new city, when I see unknown faces, new culture, and the complexity of an unfamiliar environment, I feel that this new life is leading me to new possibilities on the one hand, and on the other hand, the relentless love of my parents, the sweet memories of the juicy chats spent with friends raise the fear that one day they will be lost forever. Every evening as I reminisce about my hometown on the streets, the absence of those dream-filled days in a corner of my mind plunges me into sadness.
Yet, every step of this new life is teaching me a new lesson. New job pressures, office competition, and new experiences that wash over the tiredness of early days and evenings are teaching me—everything in life has a price, be it the open-mindedness of art or the happy memories of family affection, or the challenging realities of the office. Maybe in this distance, in this new city, I will find new colors of life, new dreams, and a unique self-improvement. Despite the pain of lost memories, I realize—each new experience makes me stronger, more aware.
Today's new life is teaching me, sometimes the secret of getting something new is hidden in the loss. A new job, a new life, a new city—every moment in this journey seems to give me a unique look at the fusion of our past with the new future, clarifying the true meaning of life.