Are We Living In A Computer Simulation? (TURKISH/ENGLISH)

in #blog6 years ago


Erken yaşlarda bilgisayarla tanışabildiğim için kendimi şanslı sayıyorum. Ortaokulu bitirdiğim yıl, fen lisesi sınavını kazandığım için Amstrad marka bir bilgisayara kavuşabilmiştim.

O yaşlarda bir çocuk için müthiş bir oyuncağa sahip olmuştum ama önemli bir problemim vardı. Amstrad programlama anlamında diğer bilgisayarlardan daha iyi olsa da, arkadaşlarımın sahip olduğu Commodore bilgisayarlar gibi çok sayıda oyunu yoktu. Olan oyunlar da çok pahalıydı, üstelik arkadaşlarımda Amstrad olmadığı için oyunları takas etme imkanım bulunmuyordu. Ben de mecburen oturup kendi oyunlarımı kendim yazmaya başladım. Makine kodu bilmediğim için oyunları Basic programlama dilinde yazıyordum; Tetris benzeri son derece basit oyunlardı yazdıklarım. Oyun yazarken karşılaştığım en önemli problem bilgisayarın oyunu işletmek konusunda zorlanmasıydı. Yaptığım denemeler sunucunda çözünürlüğü düşürmenin ve karakterlerin hareketlerini yavaşlatmanın bilgisayara oyuna takılmadan ve duraksamadan işletmek konusunda yardımcı olduğunu keşfetmiştim.

Mühendis olmama rağmen ne lisede, ne de üniversitede Einstein fiziği ya da kuantum fiziği görmedim. Neden bilmiyorum, bir ara bilime merak saldım. Fizik ve astronomi konusunda konusunda elime geçirebildiğim tüm popüler bilim kitaplarını okumaya giriştim. Yaptığım bu okumalar sırasında Newton fiziği paradigmalarıyla şekillenmiş zihnimin almadığı tuhaf gerçeklerle karşılaştım.

  • En muhafazakar tahminlere göre evrende her birinde ortalama 100 milyar yıldız bulunan 100 milyar galaksi bulunuyor. Hayal etmesi, zihinde canlandırması güç rakamlar. Ben henüz evrenin bu kadar büyük olmasına alışamamışken astronomlar galaksi sayısı tahminini önce 1 trilyona, ardından 2 trilyona çıkardılar. Bu kadar büyük bir sahneye ne gerek var? Bu müsriflik değil mi?

Kaynaklar: the guardian ve

  • Einstein ışığın saniyede yaklaşık 300.000 km olan sabit hızının gözlemcilerin hızından bağımsız olduğunu buldu. Işık hızı maddenin hızı için evrensel bir limit oluşturuyor, hiç bir cisim bu hızın üzerine çıkamıyor. Bir cisim ışık hızına yaklaştığında zaman yavaşlamaya başlıyor. Neden böylesi kısıtlamalar var?

  • Foton, elektron, nötron gibi küçük parçacıklar Newton fiziği yasalarına uygun bir biçimde hareket etmiyorlar. Atom altı parçacıkların konumu ve momenti aynı anda ölçülemiyor. Bu parçacıklara dair ölçümler ancak istatistiksel bir dağılım çerçevesinde hesaplanabiliyor. Bu bilinememezlik hali ölçüm ya da hesaplama yeteneklerimizden bağımsız bir durum. Atom altı parçacıkların doğası böyle. Belirli bir ölçeğin altına inildiğinde neden belirsizlik oluşuyor?

  • Atom altı parçacıkların bir diğer tuhaf özelliği parçacık mı dalga mı olduklarına karar veremiyor oluşumuz. Bazı hallerde tabancadan atılan bir kurşuna benzer biçimde parçacık gibi, bazı durumlarda suya atılan bir taşın çevresinde oluşan halkalara benzer biçimde dalga gibi davranıyorlar. Parçacık ya da dalga olduklarına dair aynı geçerlilikte birçok argüman ileri sürmek mümkün. Başka bir parçacıkla etkileşime girmedikleri durumda dalga gibi davranıyorlar, etkileşime girdikleri an sanki yerleri belirli hale geliyor ve parçacığa dönüşüyorlar. Bir atom altı parçacık, herhangi bir ölçüme tabi tutulmadığında dalga gibi davranarak belirli bir noktada değil belirli bir bölgede bulunuyor. Ölçüm yapıldığı anda dalga fonksiyonu çöküyor ve yeri noktasal hale geliyor. Bu durum ne anlama geliyor?

  • Kuantum dünyasının bir diğer tuhaf özelliği birbiriyle ilişkili hale gelen parçacıklarla ilgili. Kuantum dolaşıklığı adı verilen konsept ilişkili hale geldikten sonra birbirinden ayrılan iki elektron ya da foton çiftinin eşlenik davranışlarına dayanıyor. Gözlemlenen davranışlar elektron için spin, foton için polarizasyon olarak seçiliyor. Parçacıklar ne kadar uzakta olurlarsa olsunlar, zamandan ve mekandan bağımsız olarak eşlenik davranışları değişmiyor. Elektron çiftinin teki dünyada, diğeri evrenin diğer ucunda olsa da, dünyadaki elektronun spini incelenerek evrenin diğer ucundakinin durumu anlaşılabiliyor. 2008 yılında Isviçre telekom fiber iletişim hatlarını kullanarak aralarında yaklaşık 18 kilometre mesafe bulunan ve aynı kaynaktan gelen fotonların kuantum dolanıklık hızları ölçüldü ve ışık hızından en az 10.000 kat yüksek olduğu bulundu. Kilometrelerce uzaktayken eşlenik parçacıklar nasıl senkronize oluyorlar?

Matrix benzeri bir gerçeklik içinde yaşadığımızı savunan simülasyon hipotezi tüm bu garipliklere kendince açıklama getirdiği için cazip bir seçenek olarak öne çıkıyor.

  • Evrenin aslında o kadar büyük olmasına gerek yok. Evrendeki aktörlere bilgisayar oyunlarında olduğu gibi sadece bakılan yerleri göstermek yeterli olabilir. Bunu söyleyince aklıma kült bir bilimkurgu filmi olan Thirteenth Floor geldi.

  • Evrende bir hız limitinin bulunmasını ve bu hıza yaklaşıldığında zamanın yavaşlamasını simülasyonun ekstrem hızlarda gerekli hesaplamaları yetiştirememesine bağlayabiliriz.

  • Belirli bir ölçeğin altına inildiğinde belirsizlik durumu oluşmasını simülasyonun hesaplama kaynaklarından tasarruf etme kaygısına bağlayabiliriz. Çözünürlük ne kadar yüksekse sistem o kadar çok kaynak tüketecektir zira.

  • Parçacıkların bazen dalga, bazen parçacık gibi davranmasını ve gözlemlendiklerinde yerlerinin belirli hale gelmesini de hesaplama tasarrufu kaygısına bağlayabiliriz. Dalgaları simüle etmek görece daha kolay. Bu arada, simülasyonun gözlemlenenin yanı sıra gözlemi yapanı da simüle etmesi gerektiğini unutmamak gerekiyor.

Tarihçesi antik zamanlara uzansa da simülasyon hipotezinin babası Nick Bostrom sayılabilir. 2013 yılında konuyla ilgili yayınlamış olduğu makale ile hipotezi derli toplu bir biçimde ortaya koymuş oldu. Daha sonra Elon Musk hipotezden söz ederek konunun popülerleşmesini sağladı.

Bir an için evrenin ve yaşadığımız dünyanın bir simülasyon olduğunu varsayalım. Böylesi bir sistemi kim, ne için üretmiş olabilir?

İnsanlık nasıl ki belirli bir gelişmişlik aşamasına ulaştığı andan itibaren bilgisayar sümilasyonu üretebilme yeteneğini elde ettiyse bizden çok daha gelişmiş bir uygarlık pekâlâ çok daha yetkin simülasyonlar üretebiliyor olabilir. Böyle bir simülasyonu üretmenin mantığı ne olabilir? Bu gelişmiş uygarlık bizlerin yeni yeni kullanmaya başladığı simülasyon yöntemini öngörü yapmak için kullanıyor olabilir. Simülasyon bir şeyleri öğrenmek için çok güçlü bir yöntem. Geçen yıl Google AlphaZero adında olağanüstü derecede iyi satranç oynayan bir yapay zeka üretti. Satranç oyununun kuralları öğretilen yapay zeka sadece 4 saatlik bir eğitime tabi tutuldu. Program öncekiler gibi insanların oynadıkları oyunlardan öğrenmek yerine 4 saat boyunca kendisinin bir kopyasıyla yüzlerce maç yaparak kendisini geliştirdi. Haber linkinde görüldüğü üzere simülasyon çok güçlü bir öğrenme yöntemi.

Dünyayı ve üzerinde yaşayan tüm bilinçli varlıkları simüle eden bir bilgisayar üretilmesi mümkün müdür? Tüm evren kocaman bir bilgisayara dönüşse de bunun mümkün olmadığını ileri sürenler var. Bu konuda rivayetler muhtelif.

Bilinmeyeni simülasyonla açıklamaya çalışmak yaratıcı bir Tanrı'yla açıklamaya benziyor aslında. Bir şeyleri açıkladığımızı düşünürken yine birçok bilinmezle karşı karşıya kalıyoruz. Sözünü ettiğimiz yüksek uygarlık da acaba onlardan daha yüksek bir uygarlığın simülasyonu olabilir mi?

Konu ilginizi çektiyse postmodern filozof Jean Baudrillard'ın gerçekliğin doğası hakkındaki Simülakrlar ve Simülasyon kitabını okuyabilirsiniz.

Simülasyon hipotezinin doğru olup olmadığını elbette bilmiyorum. Bu tartışmaları bir tür zihin jimnastiği olarak görüyorum. Bilmediklerimizi -şimdilik kaydıyla- bilinmez olarak kabul etmek biliyormuş gibi yapmaktan daha iyi bence.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.

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I'm lucky to be able to have a computer at an early age. The year I finished secondary school, as a gift for high school exam results, my family bought an Amstrad computer for me.

I had a great toy for a kid at that age, but I had an important problem. Although Amstrad was better in programming than other personal computers, there were not many games like Commodore computers that my friends had. The games were expensive, and because my computer was an Amstrad I did not have the opportunity to swap the games like Commodore owners do. So I had to sit down and start writing my own games. Because I didn't know the machine code, I wrote the games in Basic programming language; they were extremely simple games like Tetris. The most important problem I encountered when writing a game was that the computer had difficulty rendering the game. I have discovered that reducing the resolution and slowing down the movements of the characters was helpful.

I've never studied Einstein physics or quantum physics in high school or in university, even though I'm an engineer. I don't know why, I wondered about science sometime. I started reading popular science books in order to learn physics and astronomy. During these readings, I encountered strange truths that my mind shaped by the paradigms of Newton physics resisted to accept.

  • According to the most conservative estimates, there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each with an average of 100 billion stars. It's hard to imagine, it's hard to visualize. Before I did not get used to the fact that the universe was so huge, astronomers increased the number of galaxies to 1 trillion, then 2 trillion. Why do you need such a big scene? Is not that extravagance?

Sources: the guardian and

  • Einstein found that the constant velocity of light (300,000 km per second) is independent from the speed of the observers. The speed of light is a universal limit for the speed of matter, and no object surpass that speed. When an object approaches the speed of light, time slows down. Why are there such restrictions?

  • Small particles such as photons, electrons, neutrons do not act according to the laws of Newton physics. Changing the laws that define the movements of matter when the size of the items changes is bizarre. The position and momentum of subatomic particles cannot be measured at the same time. Measurements of these particles can only be made within the framework of a statistical distribution. Singular particles do not behave according to the deterministic rules in this context. This state of umbiguity is independent of our ability to measure or calculate. It's the nature of subatomic particles. Why uncertainty occurs when we go under a certain scale?

  • Another peculiar characteristic of subatomic particles is that we can't decide whether they're particle or wave. In some cases, similar to a bullet thrown from a pistol, they act like particles. In some instances, similar to the rings formed around a stone thrown into the water. It is possible to find many arguments in the same validity that they are particles or waves. They act like waves when they're not interacting with another particle, and as soon as they interact, their position becomes specific and they turn into particles. When an subatomic particle is not subjected to any measurement, it is in a specific area, not at a certain point, acting as a wave. As soon as the measurement is done, the wave function collapses and the location becomes a point. Why?

  • Another strange characteristic of the quantum world is about particles that have become related. The concept called quantum entanglement is based on the conical behaviour of two electrons or photon pairs separated from each other after becoming associated. The observed behaviour is the spin for the electron and the polarization for the photon. No matter how far apart the particles are, their unique behavior does not change, regardless of time and space. Even though the electron pair is on the Earth and the other is at the end of universe, the world is examined by the spin of the electron and the other end of the universe can be understood. In 2008, the quantum entanglement rates of photons from the same source were measured at a distance of about 18 kilometers between them using the communication lines of the Swiss telecom fiber, and at least 10,000 times higher than the speed of light was found. How do the paired particles synchronize when they are miles away?

The simulation hypothesis, which argues that we live in a matrix-like reality, stands out as an attractive option because it brings clarity to all these questions.

  • The universe doesn't have to be that big actually. Just as in computer games, it may be enough to show the actors the scenes that they look for. I remembered the cult sci-fi film Thirteenth Floor right now.

  • The speed limit and the slowdown of time when it is approached to light speed enable the simulation to render the universe more easily.

  • We can link the uncertainty situation with the calculation resources. The higher the resolution, the more resources the system will consume.

  • Particles sometimes behave like waves, and sometimes like particles, and when they are observed they become solid like particles. It's relatively easy to simulate waves. It is important to express that the simulation should simulate the observed object as well as the observer.

Although its history extends back to ancient times, the Father of the simulation hypothesis can be considered as philosopher Nick Bostrom. He published a comprehensive article on the subject in 2013. Then Elon Musk talked about the hypothesis and made it more popular.

Let's suppose that the universe and the world we live in are simulations. Who could have produced such a system and why?

If humanity has acquired the ability to produce computer simulations from the moment a certain developmental stage is reached, then a much more advanced civilization than us could produce much more sophisticated simulations. What is the rationale for producing such a simulation? This advanced civilization may be using it to predict and simulate the future. Simulation is a very powerful way to learn something. Google Deepmind has recently produced an artificial intelligence called Alphazero that plays chess at exceptionaly good levels. In doing so, artificial intelligence, which had only learned the rules of chess beforehand, was only trained for 4 hours. Instead of learning from the games people played like the recent AI programs, the game developed itself by making hundreds of matches with a copy of itself News link Simulation is a very powerful learning method.

Is it possible for someone to produce a computer that simulates the world and all the conscious beings living on it? There are various opinions in this regard.

Trying to explain unknown with a simulation is like explaining it with a creative God. When we consider explaining the universe with a simulation, we are still confronted with many unknowns. Could the high civilization we are talking about been a simulation of a higher civilization?

Simulation and Simulacra is book written by postmodern philosopher Jean Baudrillard. It is about the nature of relality. You can read the book to develop your understanding of this subject.

Of course I do not know if the simulation hypothesis is correct. I consider these debates as a form of mind gymnastics. I think it is better to accept what we do not know as an unknown for now.

Thank you for reading.

Image Source: and


Sometimes I wonder if we really are in a matrix and our real bodies are floating somewhere generating energy or power for some higher alien species. There are plenty of movies that depict this, but it must be true to a certain extent, if not on this planet than definitely on another planet. And if we are in a matrix, how do we get out, or do we want to get out?

sometimes I also think that we are a computer simulation. But there is no physical proof of it.

The simulation hide the proofs 😃

Now this is an topic which take hype now and then because many conspiracy theorists believe that, we are literally living in an matrix possibly which is created by the superior beings, and i never felt that we are in an matrix and same time i sometimes felt that some force is there for sure which is controlling us but i cannot describe because i cannot identify it. And good to know that from young age you are using computer and how you started to plan to create gaming concept and then how you reached to the matrix concept.

Some conspiracy theorists say that, this matrix is created in an way that it will run according our vision, this means, possibly then they want to say that, it's an matrix of infinity, means every person have different vision and the more bigger vision they have then they will open the bigger world. We cannot say what is right and what is wrong but in my opinion everything is not right and everything is not wrong, and time will possibly tell the truth.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

“Know the World in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world. For this would be to project your illusion.”

  • Egyptian Proverb

My point of view in this topic is that we all are Multidimensional beings who are connected with everything.
Multidimensional means that for me your body is 3-dimensional you mind is 4th/5th-Dimension and so on, the Highest is what people call God/Source.
This may sound a little bit much sometimes, but when it comes to quantum physics and the explanation of how life works, why the things that happen are happening, why consciousness behaves like this or like that. You can find that it is quite easy to understand when you think in terms of layers.
There is always a next layer that surrounds the previous one.

When you get yourself into the science of consciousness and how the brain creates the reality inside it with the information and waves it can work with, then I see that for example the law of attraction is not just something physical but also a main-“rule/ setting/ tool” for us to work with so we, as consciousness, can have the experience we want to have.
The waves that surround us and create what we call reality, are the magnetism that keeps everything together and in movement. The fabric of the realm we live in is so genious, that it collaborates directly with our deepest desires or fears. It communicates in Energy, Frequency and Vibration, exactly like Tesla said.

The point is, (I tend to lose myself) reality is exactly what you think reality is.
If you think it’s conspiracy, then sure you will find evidence that proofs that.
If you think reality is chaos or plainly a huge biological machine, then that is what you see and claim as real.
Our life is fields in fields in fields. No one is right or wrong.
I think we’re all both and there is no good or bad reality, just what we judge it to be.

hey @issi this is a beautiful response to a great article! A very clear and understanding explanation. I sometimes find people see the differences in science and spirituality and use them to disprove each other rather than work together for a deeper understanding, although through time i'm sure this will take its natural course and it will become almost common knowledge.

You have written yesterday exactly what i needed to hear today. Thankyou!

You are right! And thank you very much for the appreciation. I think people tend to find the differences rather then looking out for what they have in common.

This comment reminds me the David Hawkins teachings :) you are in the right path.

Thank you for your feedback 😃 I agree that the people who have an open vision will have a bigger world.

Welcome and yes, your words are true. Thank you so much for your kind appreciation of my thoughts. Stay blessed. 🙂

heyy if you like this post you surely need to check out my post matrix getting real

I believe there are many secrets to the fabric of the universe that we are yet to unravel. We may as well be computer programs inside a simulation, but at least we can interact with the universe and uncover its working. Its similar to how we started worshipping fire only to use it in our daily lives and play around with it later. With time, everything shall reveal itself soon. That is what I believe in.
I would like to see the truth with my own eyes, but unfortunately, I won't be around for that long.

"With time, everything shall reveal itself soon" That sounds a good idea, I agree.

Interesting topic and I love how much scale and perspective one can put into it.

If life as we know it is really just a simulation, what is it's purpose?
How big is the area of this simulation?
When does it stop?
How mayn more simulations like this exist?
Are we able to enter different simulations?
Who started the simulation?
Is the simulator himself real or just part of the or another simulation?

What if the world is not just in 3d? Space surrounding us that we know nothing about but what our limited perspective of seeing, hearing, smelling gives us a 3d tool set. If I could only see in 2d and you could see 3d, I build a house like a drawling on a piece of paper and when you walk across it into my house I see you walking through my walls.

This would be almost God like ability because your connection to the space around you is of one dimension more then what I am. If you was to jump up you would vanish from my perspective because my mind couldn't comprehend the 3rd aspect. So in truth If one had the tools to aspect a 4th dimension even if its only partial it could give a big advantage over everyone else and be God like. This has inspired me to write a small post of my own. I wont link it here as it could be seen as disrespectful but you can always go to my steemit and read all about it.

Hey man, thanks forn this @muratkbesiroglu. This is something that plays in my mind every now and then. Sometimes I feel that everything science can reveal to us is really based on the sense, sensation, knowledge that is sensed. I think the truth however is not sensed or observed, but received and accepted uncannily..

hi again @muratkbesiroglu

I'm lucky to be able to have a computer at an early age. The year I finished secondary school, as a gift for high school exam results, my family bought an Amstrad computer for me.

I share similar story. I got c64 once I was just a schoolboy

another great post. upvoted again :)

We were among the lucky ones who had a c64 with lots of games😃

yes, yes, hmmm, yess

"Mind gymnastics" hahahah. You certainly made my brain sweat with this theory. I think I'm gonna think in the quantum entanglement for a while. Thanks fou this amazing post.

It is a Turkish expression. It sounds wierd in English😃

well, it doesn't sound weird because the mind exercises too. Greetings

I'll take the red pill please #Matrix

Many would choose the blue...

Red pill was the dangerious one, right? I prefer the blue one ☺

We Are Living In A Computer Science Human argriculture

Yes we are living in a Computer Simulation, but the bigger question is where the heck are the cheat codes?

😃 Googling may help

This post has received a 11.31 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @muratkbesiroglu.

Yes bcs there's some glitches in our reality .Look it up and think.Maybe its just a coincidence who knows.....

Ellerine sağlık üstad yine çok güzel bir yazı olmuş

ilgi ve paylaşım için teşekkürler

Sözünü ettiğimiz yüksek uygarlık da acaba onlardan daha yüksek bir uygarlığın simülasyonu olabilir mi?

Verdiğiniz bilgiler kadar hoşuma gidiyor bu kısımlar. Elinize sağlık hocam.

It seems like this is something will never be completely sure of, but does it really matter if it's true or not? I suppose one could adopt a nihilist viewpoint if they believe that we exist in a simulation.
The term 'simulacrum' reminded me directly of the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, his novels usually deal with realities that aren't what they appear to be!
Great stuff.

Philip K. Dick is my favorite author🤠

A Scanner Darkly and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch were masterpieces.

If we live in a Simulation there has to be someone outside the simulation and they would live in some universe with strange rules too. That's my one big contra argument, i think we can never prove it

I agree with you

We are in fact we are going to see many amazing thing in this decade

For sure, the history is accelerating

That's the question I'm asking myself everyday 😂

Congratulations @muratkbesiroglu!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 9 with $ 297,97

For some strange reason I've been found by several articles with this unique theme this week. I don't now why, but this idea at first sound sooo crazy to me, but now I'm seeing it like something possible.

I don't know if it is because I've read it several times its in my mind now or because of your so called mind gymnastics this readings has develop in my mind.

The fact is, now I think it could be true and this, as first step of awareness, will affect our behavior in this matrix.

Good job, very interesting friend after good graphics

The plasticity of our reality is a topic I've just began to use for "mind gymnastics." The understanding that our reality is limited by our framework and that we have the ability to significantly adjust our freeing!

As a pediatrician and mother, I observe children and families limiting their lives by external constraints. In the U.S., people can become overwhelmed by the excess of limited utility items, self-limiting beliefs, and negative self talk creating self imposed walls.

My hope is for everyone to have a better understanding of the nature of reality and the positive societal technological enhancements that can allow each of us to use our time doing what excites us while adding value to the world.

Thank you for doing what you enjoy while adding value to the universe!

All the best,

Elinize sağlık. Şöyle muhteşem bir yazıyı #turkcebilim tag'i altında da görebilmeyi çok isterdik. Hem İngilizce hem Türkçe yazıyorsunuz.

For a few days I have been meditating on the Nick Bostrom's theory in my head.
I think reality is like a dream in different levels, in some you are more lost in the role of the dream, in others you are lucid and conscious. When you are aware that you are in a dream, you lose fear and can do whatever you want. I have always thought that dreams are simulations.

Dream and simulation are synonyms.

People worry a lot about whether it is possible to prove something. "Proving" something implies subjecting it to scientific reductionism, we can not prove the ultimate Truth, it is unattainable, but we can live it, we can experience it through faith, which is the infinite resource of all things.