Some tips Jackson Brown American writer to his son:
1. Stay away from smoking
2 - Choose your wife carefully because it is responsible for 90% of your happiness and Otasstk.
3. Do not buy cheap gadgets.
4 - accept your children as they are and not as you want them.
5. Do not waste time responding to your critics.
6. Do not trust any politician.
7 - Do not leave your work before you believe others.
8. When a friend's car is borrowed, fill the fuel before returning it.
9 - Do not let the phone cut the beautiful moments of your life but found for your convenience not for the convenience of the caller.
10 - Do not pay for one of his wages before it is done.
11. Do not discuss your physical matters with those who have much more than you or much less about you.
12 - Beware before lending money to your friends you may lose Monday.
13 - Do not ask about the value of the salary of your monthly salary.
When you want to buy a home remember 3 important things:.
15 - When you find the job suitable for your ambition and dreams accept it no matter what the salary, if you do what comes the salary you want later.
16 - Do not trust your memory, write everything on paper.
17. Your punishment is appropriate for the act committed by your children.
18 - Do not lend money only to those who trust that he will return without asking him.
19 - Everyone loves praise, do not skimp on anyone.
20 - Remember that the right price is not what is written on the goods, but what is appropriate for your budget.
21. Do not condone any wrong behavior from your children.
22. In disputes, remember what you lose your ethics in speaking and discussing your rights.
23 - Share your knowledge, and teach people around you .. This is the only way to immortality.
24. Do not disclose your personal and financial information unless it is necessary to do so.
25. When you hear a compliment to a friend you know, tell him.
26 - Do not delay in your sleep if you take care of your day.
27- To embarrass someone who has offended you, do a good job with your children.
28 - marry who is in your economic and social level or slightly less.
29. If you purchase something more than twice, buy it.
Stop when someone larger than you enters the room you are in.
31 - When everyone is silent, shame and express your opinion.
I walk half a hour daily.
33. Your watch should be five minutes shorter than the real time.
34- Be natural and stay away.
35 - Let you discuss the trivialities of things.
36 - Leave a good impact wherever analyzed
inspiring 💓