A simple wristband?

in #blog6 years ago


My husband's hospital wristband. And boy is it important. They asked him his name and DOB before they put it on his arm. Don't know why. They asked him that 4 times befor they printed it and, 400 times in the next two days.

You aren't exactly 'just a number' these days.....you have an electronic ID!

Anyway, they scan this thing before every procedure, after every procedure, before every pill, after every pill. They scan every pill/medication and anything else. I guess it is all for the good, accuracy is the primary concern, but how tedious. And it does take away from the personal touch. Along with the medical field keeping up with technology there is the underlying benefit of covering their butts for law suits.

And, doesn't matter if you have full prescriptions of your routine meds at home....can't use them. Nope, your daily meds are dispensed from their pharmacy, one at a time, scanned one at a time. Ho hum.

Right before we left they scanned it one more time to take out his IV ports. Last thing they do just in case they might need them. Anyway, Ron says, everytime they scan that thing it is adding to the bill like a cash register. How very, very true. And then I think of all those pills!!!!!!

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to think about. We'll pay soon enough.