Heello Steemians,
I hope you've all had a great day.
For me friday's are aweomse because its the weekend and I can do whatever but contradictory to that I feel down as the day goes on. People usually get the monday blue, back to work feeling but I get the friday blues "I've got fuck all to do this weekend, no plans, no girlfriend" and nothing new ever changes that.
I generally live with that and carry on as normal, but today an added reminder of a feeling a can't shift. I have the feeling someone is out to get me one way or another. Its a feeling I've been getting repeatedly over the last 6 or so months and it wont shift.
Is it me be sceptical or is there something real going on back the feeling. Had it been a once or twice thing sure its probably my imagination but this is now beyond that. I should probably start to do something about it, but with that said I first need to figure out who and what is the cause. Which is much easier said than done when everyone I've spoke to seems to have something to hide and this only reassures the feeling.
The only thing I can be certain of is i need to figure out whats the cause and take action on it and fast.
I can't have this continue.
Until next time
stay well
PS I'm hoping to get a drawing finished and posted this weekend
GREAT work! . After taking a look at your page, I see a lot of great content. Following and upvoted.PLEASE DO SAME ,SO WE BUILD A GOOD RELATIONSHIP THANKS @abbeymelchizedek
Interesting post.