PLR Jackpot 2 is one of the biggest 🔥firesales🔥 ever! There are over 240 products that are PLR products, and 1 of the 3 bonuses contains 1000 articles for you to use!
You can use this for leads, affiliate bonuses, reselling, and more!
If you are unsure about the product, then click on the link and then go to close the tab. A pop-up will appear and offer you a FREE ebook with the PLR.
90 Business & Money PLR ebooks

60 Niche PLR ebooks

60 Personal Development PLR ebooks

30 Health & Wellness PLR ebooks

All of those ebooks include .docx files, .pdf files, hi-rez covers, and .psd files.
These all come with the rights to resale, give away for leads, give away as bonuses for affiliate offers, and reseller sites. The only thing you can't do is sell the PLR or the source documents.
Before anything else, let me get to the mind blowing bonuses.
45 Motivational Posters with PLR rights

1000 Personal Development Articles with PLR rights

Instant Graphics Collection with PLR rights

- Resell them
These PLR rights can be used by anybody in many ways. You can resell them (remember you get the resale pages as well). If you released 1 per day, not including the bonuses, then that would take you a whopping 240 days to get through them. You could bundle them and sell 1 bundle of 4 at a time and it would still take 2 months to get through all of them!
You can easily make money off of these. A bundle of 10 ebooks for $20 would make back your money in 2 sales. Some of these are worth $20 or more by themselves. It's absolutely insane.
- Bundle them with existing products
You can bundle these with your existing products. Can you imagine somebody's shock when they think they're getting 1 or 2 products and find out they are really getting dozens?
- Affiliate Offer Bonuses
The big affiliate marketers offer have spent tons of money to accumulate their bonuses for affiliate offers. You can beat them at their game by getting this product. Instead of offering 10 or 20 products, offer them 240 products or 1285+ if you include the bonuses. The offer bonuses alone would be worth them clicking through your link and buying the product.
- Use the 1000 articles for site content
If you published one article a day it would take you almost 3 years to cycle through every single article. That saves you hours upon hours of time, and your audience would be getting quality content.
- Combine and Rebrand
You can take from 1 ebook, add to another, rebrand it, and sell it like a new and original product!
- Email List Bonuses
Add 1 to 1285 bonuses just for signing up to an email list. Who wouldn't sign up then? Or, and here's a good idea, give your email subscribers 1 per day. Say, "Join my list and receive a new and relevant ebook every day." People will surely be eager to read your email ever single day.
- Physical Content
Print them as physical books (or one HUGE book), put them on USBs, or make a course binder out of them. People still value a product in their hands.
- Translate and Sell
You might be hesitant to buy this because you are wondering, "Can I really sell these?" Translate them and be the only person in that market to offer these products.
This is a fantastic offer that has numerous uses for people in all kinds of markets. It can help the guy who doesn't have a lot of time to build his online business and at the same time help the person who is looking for more content to sale. The uses I talked about are just the tip of the iceberg.
I would recommend this product to any person who wants to make more money online. If you fail once, then you have 100s of more tries with minimal time invested. If you are worried that they market will be oversaturated, then don't be because most people that buy products like these never act on them. They just sit on them as if they were going to make them money by being unused.
My ultimate review:
5 Stars

Check out my site at www.NickSinardReviews.com. I review information products.
Oh man, what a post ? ..............I love it.