Getting back to blogging and starting my "New Year" in March

in #blog2 days ago

Hello everyone! It has been just over a year since my last post here on Hive and it feels kind of weird but at the same time so good to be back!

For a while now I have been meaning to get back to blogging but I was just feeling overwhelmed and I didn't know where to start when it comes to writing and sharing what has been going on. Today I decided just to write and see where it takes me but I do have something specific on my mind - the same thing that gave me a push I needed to come back to blogging.

Over the weekend I had a big journaling session and I came to realization that New Year's resolutions and making big plans during that period of time simply does not work for me. I always get into the spirit of Holidays, excitement kicks in and I set a bunch of goals and resolutions for myself but even before I get to work on them, my motivation goes away completely, winter blues and seasonal depression take over, my energy levels are low and I just want to rest and do as little as possible.


On the other hand, as soon as March 1st comes around, in my brain it signals the beginning of Spring, days get longer, nature starts to wake up and it feels like I am waking up too. Just with a little bit of sunshine and longer days, I already feel a lot more motivated, inspired and energized. I feel like it's ways easier to start implementing better habits and work on goals, I tend to spend more time outside and it just feels more natural to be more productive, outgoing and goal oriented in this season.


That's why, after my journaling session, I decided to take another look at my goals, prioritize them and treat March 3rd (yesterday) as my new "New Year"! As I mentioned, I have been meaning to get back to posting for a while now and it just wasn't happening... But now I feel ready to come back, to write and be part of this community again. I made that one of my goals and it was way easier to start now once I had a clear vision and positive Spring vibes to help me out. :)

Instead of trying to change my entire life around when I get a burst of motivation, work on every goal I can think of, trying to implement a bunch of new habits and all that jazz, this time I have decided to really take things slow and go day by day, week by week, month by month. One of my biggest struggles is that I LOVE to plan and go into details about all ways I can change my life but when it comes to taking action, I always fail. This led to me not even trusting myself because I never do what I promise myself I will do. Over the years, I feel like this really affected my self-confidence and self-image so probably my biggest goals now is just to do the things I say I'm gonna do, to write down something on my to-do list and actually complete it even if it's the smallest progress. If I have to take baby steps to build up my confidence and trust in myself, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Writing this post is definitely not a big deal, but it's something I will happily cross off my to-do list for today! :)

I hope this post finds you well, I have a lot to catch up on and see what has been going on in your lives and our Hive community! I am glad to be back and please feel free to leave a comment letting me know you are still here and active! I'll catch you all very soon! :)
