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RE: SteemEngine Stats - 2018-02-26

in #blog7 years ago

I just had to revoke my vote, as I never upvoted this post nor do you have permission to use my key. I revoked your permission weeks ago, why are you using my key to upvote yourself? Not cool


We removed your account as requested.

Thank you, It's much appreciated.

I just found out you are not the SteemEngine I thought you were and do not use Steem Connect. You duped me...

@everyone This is a message from EthanDSmith & EnchantedSpirit of thesteemengine.

NOT TO BE MISTAKEN FOR 'steemengineteam'.

Two completely different entities.

I think we probably need to put this in bold letters somewhere in all of our posts.
It's a completely different group that formed almost exactly when we did with coincidentally similar names.
We don't collect keys of any kind from our members. All voting on our posts is voluntary.Ethan: @calumam We are not associated with

EnchantedSpirit: I've worried about that confusion since we learned of their existence. But short of putting it up in big letters out in public We are not @steemengineteam there hasn't been much we could do. There still isn't. But, yes, their behavior has been unsettling sometimes -- and to hear they are storing posting keys from people who have asked to disengage is disturbing. They've also been flagged in the past for comment spamming (including berniesanders account for crying out loud!!) ... 1200 comments in a 1 - 3 day period IIRC asking people to join their group -- and then IMO lied about the reason why this happened. Please make clear to your people that we are not that group.

steemengineteam is known for storing posting keys and not removing when asked. Their website and service is to be used entirely at your own risk. But be warned, when a site uses a third party site/service to receive your posting or active key (active key obviously a lot more risky), other than SteemConnect or other authorised services, YOU ARE AT RISK.

The team over at TheSteemEngine are sincere, responsible and concerned for each and every member within their community. Please do not mistake steemengineteam for thesteemengine, they are not the same.

Thank you.