Blog about it

in #blog7 years ago

I believe the total way in which we can propel our society forward is doing it together. The underprivileged are an integral part in this vision as a constant battle to just survive has effectively distracted so many from more transcendental thinking, such as making choices that can help preserve and heal our planet. The previous generations did what they could to get us to this point living through many traumas unable to focus on learning about our true selves because survival was the main focus. Fear is the main thing that controls and confines us to being content in living a habitual cycle of a 9-5 life predetermined by forces outside of ourselves. That is not our destiny, that is not what has brought us to this point in present time. We have for too long had to focus on just surviving using the primal parts of our amazingly flawed minds to flight or fight. But now we are at a pivotal point where we can ascend and get past this mediocrity. The division that is only useful to cause us to hyper focus on things that do not matter, enraging us constantly igniting those parts of our brain. It is what causes the separation from an inner core that is purely good, that wants to connect with individuals and learn from and bring peace to a world at war with itself. Sadness is so important because it gives perspective it helps you process through all the emotions you see and try to flee from. But with acceptance of all that is within we can gain clarity on who we are and who we should be to others. We are all connected. We are all one. We are all stardust that happened upon this place. That's not to be mystical, religion and undefinable words like spirituality lends mysteriousness to thought processes that should be normal. Based on scientific facts. To the core we are the same and we are good. Borders and religion and capitalism skewered that. It put us into competitions we never signed up for and races we never felt like running. Money won't change who you are. if you are empty and broken and spew negativity to avoid the hurt inside money won't change it. If anything it will exacerbate it. Money will make it harder to change because the needs you wrongfully believed needed to be fulfilled have been fulfilled and the empty feeling remains. Our desire to be better than the next to have more and be seen as more educated stems for deep seeded insecurities we have never dealt with and solved. Until you can look anyone in the face and see yourself and empathize and share a mutual respect for their simple existence we can't effectively change the world. Technology has finally enabled us to connect with the like-minded individuals around the world and really institute the change our ancestors have for so long pushed us towards. We can now see how many there are who hold these beliefs and given the opportunity will be the force for good that we need. Blessings.