Ole sad på en knold og sang

in #blog11 months ago (edited)

Imagine you'd have to pay tax every time you sang a song. Just any song. Like a Danish folk song of yesteryears. "Ole sad på en knold og sang...", it's about this young lad who was apparently sitting on a horse. Which is better than the other way around. That would be a tragic song, probably long forgotten by now. In that case Ole (not Spanish, but a Danish name for a man.) would not have been so happy.

In the song the story is being told with a merry "Trallalalala lala lalala" between every paragraph. And he was quite the fancy dandy. Wearing a feather on his head, while he jumped away. Guess it means the horse carrying him. "Trallalalala lala lalala", the rest of the song I forgot. Danmark was warmer in them past days. Because Ole only was wearing a feathered hat, whilst riding the horse. Crazy times indeed. These days those who ride horses are clothed all the way from top to the bottom.

My point being?

Nothing really, just a random thought that popped into my mind after having a look at the front page.

Now what song would I like to do? "Blackbird", no not the one by them Liverpool (or was it Manchester?) dudes. This one is done by a band known as Alter Bridge. There's a story to it, for me personally too, and I guess you might relate to it in a way.

Have a great one!


It's a been a while since I heard anything from Alter Bridge! This is a good un!

It truly is a good one indeed. It is one of my all time favourite songs!

Man that dude has quite a wide octave reach. Guess I need a kick in the nuts before I can reach those high key notes.

This song, to me, has everything that makes it one of the all time best Rock classics. And some meaningful lyrics too match. 🎸