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RE: Covid-19 in Ukraine. Third lockdown and still they don't get it.

in #blog4 years ago

A well of stupidity powered by folks who think their 30 minutes of Google give them the same outlook as people who have spent years dedicated to learning what they're talking about.

The Dunning-Kruger is strong in some of these folks.


Just Googled Dunning-Kruger (and understood, that I knew, what's that, but I forgot the appellative). Yes, you're completely right. And to tell the truth I really fear such people. In our country they become more and more aggressive each day, it really reminds me of inquisition somehow:(

I see the same here in Canada, and it makes me wonder how our education system is failing. That isn't to say that I don't think skepticism about some things is warranted, but when folks that I personally know who barely passed math and science classes tell me to 'do the research', I roll my eyes. If they barely understood how to research something as easy as a book report in highschool I can be damned sure they didn't do any extra learning to understand it now.