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RE: February Retrospective and March Plans

in #blog2 years ago

I have a lot more partial drafts than completed posts because I haven't always felt up to the task of final editing.

Ugh, I feel that my dude.

And 76 eh? I have like... 2h in that and it just hasn't caught me yet. It just makes me want to play NV or 4... but, then again, I don't often get time to line up and play with people so perhaps the social aspect lacking is what's keeping me from really diving into it.

Love the outfit though lol, that's fantastic!


To be honest, the game's content is a bit lack luster. But yeah, its a lot more fun to play with others. What are you playing it on?

PC, I got it with the recent HumbleBundle

Well Jacob and I have been playing on Steam, so you should be able to find us. I think all the PC players play on the same servers. Shoot me private chat and I'll share my Fallout 76 ID.