On the "Upcoming" Race War...

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


I'm going to set some things straight here. Little too much propaganda regarding those dastardly, evil "straight, hetero-normative, cis-gendered, white men" and a little too much propaganda claiming the black man "dindunuffin". So let's examine in detail here. A thorough examination cutting through the propaganda, shall we? Leave your ideology at the door, temporarily suspend your feelz then prepare your rational mind to examine evidence and take an unflinching look at reality. You will find, moving forward, no false equivocations, no dissembling and no political bent.

Quoting from the Lore of Preservation: "Never permit to yourself the offense of acting with a slothful mind, always take care to examine information under the lens of a philosophers skepticism, let these be your golden rules: An assertion absent of evidence is a baseless claim. Evidence incapable of withstanding the exacting measures of truth is testimony against it’s creator, supporter, reporter and crier. Truth is that which can be verified and proven to be true, absent of and independent of bias or ideology: all else is opinion, speculation or intentional manipulation."

Here you will not Black Lives Matter propaganda, you will find no national socialist rants. On my posts you will find nothing but logic, reason and the evidence which support the same. If you are incapable of examining factual reality "absent of and independent of bias or ideology" - leave the article now. This is no place for you. If you are, however, capable of examining reality without feelz, agenda, bias or preconceived notions getting in the way: I welcome you. Proceed at your leisure, and take care to double check my citations, I take no offense in your doing so and in fact I encourage you to do so.

Now, I'm not going to just link one of those randoms memes with no citations or a provide you end result statistics. What I'm going to do is provide you with exact citations and walk you through the hard numbers, even show you the math, close up.

No trickery, no slight of hand, not vague nonsense, no dissembled arguments, no false claims. No statistical chicanery of any kind. Sourced, cited, examined and calculated right before your very eyes.

FBI 2016 Uniform Crime Report, Murder Offenders


Total: 16,964
Race of Offender Unknown: 5,574
White Offenders: 5,004
Black Offenders: 6,095

So we take the total number of murders minus those where the race of the offender is unknown, so that neither group is being blamed for something indeterminably.

16,964 - Race N/A 5,574 = 11,390

Then we take the number of murders where the race of the offender is known and we use that to divide against the number of white offenders and black offenders to determine the percentile of murders known to have been committed by that group.

White Offenders = 43.9%
Black Offenders = 53.5%

Now we take the total number of murders minus those where the sex of the offender is unknown, so that neither group is being blamed for something indeterminably.

Sex of Offender Unknown: 5,359
Male Offenders: 10,310
Female Offenders: 1,295

16,964 - Sex N/A 5,359 = 11,605

Then we take the number of murders where the sex of the offender is known and we use that to divide against the number of male offenders and female offenders to determine the percentile of murders known to have been committed by that group.

Male Offenders = 88.8%
Female Offenders = 11.1%

Calm your tits it wasn't even hard math.

We know how many murders are committed by blacks, by whites, by men and by women: so our next step is to look up the US CENSUS in order to look at population. This will be important in a moment.

US CENSUS QuickFacts All Topics

None of that is a typo by the way... They refer population categories as "topics" and they actually named it "QuickFacts", no space. Look Dude... I'm a Libertarian... It's the federal government... hey do all kinds of things I can find no rational reason for, do not even ask me what is up with any of that nonsense.

I don't know and I wouldn't care to guess. Seriously... the FBI at FBI.gov actually have a "Fun & Games" section, okay? Yeah, because that's just what the Federal Bureau of Investigation needs, a fun ampersand games section.... oh yeah.... that's my tax dollars well spent. Again, it's the federal government, don't ask me man, leave me out of it. Moving on before I have a stress induced aneurysm...

Whites are 61.3% of the population.
Black are 13.3% of the population
Men are roughly 49% of the population (rounded down from 49.2)

Side note, did you know that? In spite of how often women are referred to as a minority, women are in fact the majority and men are a minority. Most people don't know that. With as much as leftists talk about misogyny and every other oppression and blame Hillary's loss on men: the fact of the matter is - if every women in every city, in every county, in every district, in every state voted Hillary - she would have won by default even if every single man in the country voted against her.

Same thing goes for abortion rights and every other feminist issue by the way. If women universally voted for whoever supported feminism the most and men universally voted against: all levels of government would be nothing but feminist shills who vote how feminists want on every issue. Has that ever occurred to you? Something to keep in mind when you hear feminists talking about how oppressed women are by this or that political policy or legislature. If women universally voted for feminist agendas and men universally vote against: every feminist demand would be met without exception.

Stow that nugget of information away for later use. You never know when that might come in handy. For now however, let's divvy up the number of black murder offenders to examine just black men.

Black Offenders = 53.5% x 88.8% = (53.5 x .888) 47.5%

Black Men are Responsible for 47.5% of all Murders in which the race of the offender is known.

Blacks are 13.3% of the population, men are 49% of the black population. (13.3 x .49 = 6.5%)

Black Men are 6.5% of the entire US population, and are responsible for 47.5% of all Murders in which the race of the offender is known.

Let's contrast that with White Men, shall we? So again, let's divvy up the number of white murder offenders to examine just white men.

White Offenders = 43.9% x 88.8% = ( 43.9 x .888) 38.9%

White Men are Responsible for 38.9% of all Murders in which the race of the offender is known.

Whites are 61.3% of the population, men are 49% of the white population. (61.3 x .49 = 30%)

I know math hard, we're almost done, hang in there.

White Men are 30% of the entire US population, and are responsible for 38.9% of all Murders in which the race of the offender is known.

Now when white men are 30% of the population and responsible for 38.9% of the murder, yet black men are 6.5% of the population and are responsible for 47.5% of the murder - tell me again how evil white men are?

Does that need to be clearer for you?

White Men are 30% of the population and commit 38.9% of murders
Black Men are 6.5% of the population and commit 47.5% of murders

Tell me again how evil white men are?

Also, kids, don't forget who the FBI records and counts as being "White" in the United States... It's not just what the average person would consider to be white. Meaning someone of European decent, oh no no no. The number of crimes attributed to "whites" is being inflated by the inclusion of: North Africans (Immigrant, naturalized and born citizens), Middle easterners (Immigrant, naturalized and born citizens) and an unknown number of Latinos due to the ethnic reporting methods employed in the FBI Uniform Crime Report.

You can read all about that in my article "White Crime, but who's white?" Where I provide a step by step tutorial walk through of the FBI's official documents available on the FBI's own website, FBI.gov. So while the US CENSUS population numbers for whites, and the basis for my calculation of the population of white men may be accurate: the crimes in the FBI's uniform crime report which are attributed to whites are inflated by including people of Non-European decent as being white.

So in reality: the number of crimes being committed by men of European decent, you know: actual white men, are irrefutably fewer in number than what is being displayed in the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. As a short recap from '“White Crime”…but Who’s “White” ?' I provided an example using the FBI's most wanted list.

Want more proof? Back to the FBI we go. To the top 10 most wanted list, Robin.


Now, this is the current top 10 most wanted list, 10-10-2017, I archived it because I have no idea how often the FBI updates this. . We have 3 men of Europeans descent, meaning: whites. Jason, William and Robert. We have 5 Latinos, 2 of whom are confirmed in custody. Santiago, Eduardo, Alexis, Luis and Walter. There are 2 fellows on here who are of middle eastern descent.

The FBI records all 9/10 of these as being “white”…. Still doubt me, after that the virtual tour I took you on?

Left to right here we go.

Santiago, Race: White (Hispanic).
Eduardo. Race: White (Hispanic).
Alexis. Race: White (Hispanic).
Yasser. Race: White.
Bhadreshkumar. No race Listed.
Luis. Race: White (Hispanic).
Walter. Race: White (Hispanic).

So on the current FBI’s top ten most wanted list: there’s 3 actual white people, 1 Egyptian, 5 Latinos and 1 Indian who is recorded without a race. Indians are apparently raceless. The FBI can’t decide if these should be counted as white people for being middle Easterners or Asian.

Regardless, the FBIs top ten list, currently has 9/10 people listed as white.

None-the-less, I'll work with the numbers provided by the FBI, regardless of how inflated they are by the inclusion of Non-whites as being white.

Oh but white men get all this white male privilege and are allowed to plead down from murder.

Ok... homicide then. All murders are homicides, not all homicides are tried as murder, that's true. So now.... we'll move onto homicide which includes lesser charges such as manslaughter.

FBI 2016 Uniform Crime Report, Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter


Blacks in America kill more people than Whites, North Africans (Immigrant, naturalized and born citizens), Middle easterners (Immigrant, naturalized and born citizens), Asians (Immigrant, naturalized and born citizens), Native Americans, Alaskan Natives (Eskimos), Hawaiians and other Pacific islanders (within US territories) COMBINED.

This number also includes an unknown number of Latinos due to the ethnic reporting methods employed in the FBI Uniform Crime Report. Blacks, who are just 13.3% of the American population kill more people on American soil than over 80% of the US population manage to score when combined into a single total.

That's not "per-capita" meaning per 100,000 people: that's volume, absolute numbers of people killed, tally, the total sum.


Now for those who haven't seen my video "To the Alt-Right: The Road to Sovereignty", it's 12 minutes 23 seconds long I'll provide it for you here.

The reason I brought up this video is that I made the following proposals to the Alt-Right in that video.

1, prosecute, to the fullest extent of the law, all criminal violations and mass deport all non-citizen violators of the law.

2, close your borders and restrict the number of legal immigrants to no more than 1% of the population proper. With a priority list which includes factors like education level, conversational level fluency in the Native language, skilled trades, etc.

3, Restrict the Welfare State to citizens and restrict it's benefits the way unemployment is restricted by measured increment of tax revenues put into the system in the way your unemployment is measured by the volume of money put into that.

-No welfare benefits for illegals.
-No welfare benefits for migrants who are not citizens.
-No multi-generational parasitism of welfare benefits.

Stipulating that if these changes were put into place within the legislature, the left would devolved, en mass, in legitimate civil war. The way I proposed to the Alt-Right that the right in general conduct itself during such a civil war, is as follows.

Then once you've instituted these changes: the undesirable people, both white leftists and non whites, will devolve into open warfare. Right now they mount riots, protests, they assault people, they burn buildings and harass people and most grievous they gang beat poor defenseless trash cans.

If, however, you institute the above policies: they'll turn from violent rioters into an armed militant force engaged in open warfare. THEN, since you acted within the confines of the law, and they acted outside the law and began this civil war: you can exterminate them. Leaving only the non-violent, productive non-whites, since they didn't participate in the attempted coup/civil war (they're a minute minority).

Also, since you didn't harm the non-violent non-whites who didn't participate in the civil war enacted by leftists and non-whites - you have wonderful optics of the event. Endless anecdotes and examples and video footage of whites saving non-whites who wanted freedom, wanted rights, wanted to become part of the culture and wanted to be productive citizens: from the violent extremists who surrounded them. The entire debacle can be proven, with irrefutable evidence to the fact, that the right acted in a justified and righteous manner.

I do not have a problem with productive, non-violent non-whites who want to enjoy their freedoms and earn their own way. No problem with them what-so-ever. The unfortunate fact of the matter is, however, they're an obscene minority compared to:

-Those who want an endless supply of "gibs" to live off of others as parasites.
-Or reparations because muh slavery.
-Or the violent offenders.

I will look on and judge Blacks the same way I do Jews, as I explained in my video "Curious Coincidences". it's 13 minutes 4 seconds long I'll provide it for you here.

The reason I brought up this video is that I made the following stipulations with regards to Jews in that video.

In the same way it is unjust that all whites should be blamed for slavery, or the way all Germans are blamed for the Jewish holocaust. Simply put: it is unjust to blame those who are innocent of a crime, for the crimes committed by others. I do not violate my own principals simply because of emotionalism.

Going on to say later in the video.

Do not expect me to pretend I do not see what is in front of my eyes, 2 and 2 make 4.

Do not mistake my love of justice, I am not a leftist, I do not temper justice with mercy. I will not extend any undue courtesy. I will not excuse actions or attempt to skew opinions in someone favor when they have done wrong. I will provide no shelter for those who wish to hide from their own actions. I will not provide cover for misdeeds. I do not support, uncritically. I have no love for juden, hebrews, semites or Jews.

I simply refuse to deride, shame or denounce ALL of you, for the misdeeds of some or even of most. This is not a courtesy, this not a show of respect, or affection. I simply place value on justice, and refuse to hold persons accountable for the actions of others.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The only thing you can expect from me, is a fair hearing.

As such, in the same way I look on and treat Jews, so too do I look on and treat Blacks. As individuals. I will not blame any of your, for the crimes committed by others, because that would unjust. It's as simple as that. You are responsible only for your own actions and I will judge you according to your actions as an individual.

That being said, don't expect me not to tell the truth with regards to the factual reality about black crime or how many whites are murdered by blacks. Do not expect me to pretend I do not see what is in front of my eyes, 2 and 2 make 4.

Do not mistake my love of justice, I am not a leftist, I do not temper justice with mercy. I will not extend any undue courtesy. I will not excuse actions or attempt to skew opinions in someone favor when they have done wrong. I will provide no shelter for those who wish to hide from their own actions. I will not provide cover for misdeeds. I do not support, uncritically. I have no love for blacks.

I simply refuse to deride, shame or denounce ALL of you, for the misdeeds of some or even of most. This is not a courtesy, this not a show of respect, or affection. I simply place value on justice, and refuse to hold persons accountable for the actions of others.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The only thing you can expect from me, is a fair hearing.

[liberal screeching] But but but! Lynchings! [liberal screeching]


Ok, here's the common meme, or one of them which gets spread around. I don't know how accurate this is, or where this information comes from - there's no citation provided. However, let's use this meme for comparison.

Oh, really? 4,733 deaths since 1882, so that's 136 years?

Tragic, simply tragic.

Oh wait....

From 2004 to 2014, just 10 years: blacks killed 5,316 whites.

(Notation: following meme used US CENSUS data available 2015;
The population of "White alone, not Hispanic or Latino" was 61.6%
US CENSUS data used above is most recent available on 5/12/2018
Current data states "White alone, not Hispanic or Latino" is 61.3%
Current data "Black or African American alone" remains 13.3%)

Regardless of the fact that blacks are just over 13.3% of the population and whites are over 61.6% of the population, meaning whites out number blacks 4.63 to 1: blacks kill whites over 2.28 times more often than whites kill blacks, in spite of what BLM likes to proclaim.

I personally conducted a 10 year study of the FBI Uniform Crime Report and compared that 10 year period side by side with the casualty volume of US Military deaths during the second war in Iraq. Blacks in America kill more Whites than US Soldiers of any race are killed by legitimate enemy combatants and IEDs in the war in Iraq, and that 10 year period included the heaviest years of fighting.


Now if blacks are agitated, offended, horrified or outraged that 4,733 blacks were lynched in 136 years by whites, and I'm not saying that they shouldn't be: how agitated, offended, horrified or outraged should whites be that blacks murdered 5,316 whites in just 10 years?

[liberal screeching] But but but! 4,733 Lynchings + 2,330 blacks killed by whites between 2004-2014 is 7,063 compared to the 5,316 whites killed by blacks! [liberal screeching]

Okay, fine, let's do this then. The FBI has had a Uniform Crime Report since the late 20's and early 30s. On their website however, they only publish the information from 1995 till 2016. As of now, (5/12/2018) the 2017 report is only a preliminary. That is 22 years of Uniform Crime Reports available to the public. Now I could load this down with links, number sets and a screen cap of all 22, but because that's farcical I'm going to make available a document containing the links and the exact locations of the information.

I'll provide a synopsis here however. From 1995 to 1998 the FBI published the UCR online as a PDF. From years 1999 to the year 2004 the FBI published the UCR as a series of excel spread sheets. Beginning in 2005 and continuing to this day the FBI has published the UCR as simply one form or other of html format rather than downloadable contents. Why the various changes in it's publishing methodology I can would guess was due to upgrades of technology, internet speeds, bandwidth demands, etc.

Full set of citations (exact locations for data) available here: FBI_UCR_1995_to_2016.

1995 - blacks killed by whites: 281 - whites killed by blacks: 699
1996 - blacks killed by whites: 247 - whites killed by blacks: 558
1997 - blacks killed by whites: 209 - whites killed by blacks: 520
1998 - blacks killed by whites: 205 - whites killed by blacks: 449
1999 - blacks killed by whites: 154 - whites killed by blacks: 452
2000 - blacks killed by whites: 178 - whites killed by blacks: 417
2001 - blacks killed by whites: 180 - whites killed by blacks: 475
2002 - blacks killed by whites: 227 - whites killed by blacks: 483
2003 - blacks killed by whites: 226 - whites killed by blacks: 501
2004 - blacks killed by whites: 228 - whites killed by blacks: 522
2005 - blacks killed by whites: 230 - whites killed by blacks: 516
2006 - blacks killed by whites: 208 - whites killed by blacks: 573
2007 - blacks killed by whites: 245 - whites killed by blacks: 566
2008 - blacks killed by whites: 230 - whites killed by blacks: 504
2009 - blacks killed by whites: 209 - whites killed by blacks: 454
2010 - blacks killed by whites: 218 - whites killed by blacks: 447
2011 - blacks killed by whites: 193 - whites killed by blacks: 448
2012 - blacks killed by whites: 193 - whites killed by blacks: 431
2013 - blacks killed by whites: 189 - whites killed by blacks: 409
2014 - blacks killed by whites: 187 - whites killed by blacks: 446
2015 - blacks killed by whites: 229 - whites killed by blacks: 500
2016 - blacks killed by whites: 243 - whites killed by blacks: 533

Totals: 1995-2016
Blacks killed by Whites: 4,709 - Whites killed by Blacks: 10,903

So let's take that 4,733 deaths, in 136 years of lynchings then add the 4,709 murders of blacks by whites, in the 22 years of Uniform Crime Reports. That comes to 9,442 black deaths by white hands. Compared to the 10,903 white deaths by black hands in just 22 years.

Rounded to the nearest whole number, whites kill an average of 214 blacks per year. While blacks kill an average of 496 whites per year. Blacks, who are just 13.3% of the population, kill over twice as many whites per year as the reverse, in spite of the fact that whites outnumber blacks over 4.6 to 1. Blacks kill more whites in America than the war in Iraq killed US military forces of any race. So people talk about an "upcoming" race war: surprise - it's already here. Most people simply don't know it.

Now, before we continue, I want to discuss something particular. I value the concept of justice. I think it is unjust to hold someone accountable for any action which is not their own. On one of my previous articles a very pleasant Sub Saharan African woman commenting the following, viewable at this location.


Reading your blog is therapeutic, thought provoking and intelligent. I am constantly called a ,”Black Nazi” when I try to bring up these points. I will share your blog for people to read. (If you don’t mind.)

I think it’s very important that we all educate ourselves on the truth regardless of how painful.

When I see black Muslims I am filled with the deepest shame that in this technological age, where in the West information is free. They have refused to use common sense and logic to follow a sexist, racist backwards religion. Which encourages slavery, lack of expression and thought anti-homosexual behaviour. Also many of us whose ancestors are slaves . We were sold by black Muslims for not being Muslim.

Even White Muslim converts like “The White Widow” Take the view that all Muslims are superior. Almost as soon as they become Muslims? Why hasn’t anyone examined why Angola banned Islam, as they felt it was not suitable in their Western culture?
Anywho I’m ranting now.
Thank you for your work and take care.

To which I responded:

“When I see black Muslims I am filled with the deepest shame”

I would never want that for you – and urge you to reconsider that emotional response in favor of thinking positively about yourself. I do not judge others based on actions which are not their own and I would strong suggest you not either. You are responsible for no actions other than your own. Just because group X has a tendency towards Q does not mean that individual P of group X necessarily adheres to that tendency and is guilty of Q.

I never want you to feel shame for the conduct of others, so much the opposite in fact: I want for you to feel pride that you conduct yourself in a civilized and rational manner. Please take this message to heart, you do not deserve to be looked down upon by anyone based on actions which are not your own: that includes being looked down upon by yourself. You’re a human being, what you do matters and you are not to be blamed for the actions of others: but only upon how you live your life.

“To thine own self be true.”

All of that being said... I sincerely hope, that as many blacks manage to flee the liberal plantation as possible and understand that freedom, individual responsibility and self reliance are nourishment to their hearts and minds while the grievance politics of unjust collective persecution and envy of the left are poisonous.

I say this because if more white people do in fact come to realize the reality of the situation instead of remaining under the delusional spell that everything is fine. There's going to be a lot of violence and a lot of whites who've been victimized, or seen their family members raped, assaulted or murdered by blacks, probably aren't going to be very scrutinous about who they target.


If the left continues this march of advocating for anti-white racial biased laws and constant unending racial antagonism towards whites when it is in fact whites who are slaughtered every year, in America, in greater numbers than wars on foreign soil...

The resulting armed conflict is going to make the last civil war look like a bar brawl.


Wow just wow, dude. I mean, nice attempt and all, but no matter how hard you try, no matter how many statistics and maths you use, Per Capita is something that certain people simply cannot wrap their heads around no matter what.

Seriously though, nice article. I enjoyed it.

You are correct, most people can't wrap their head around per capita: to avoid that - I simply neglected to use per capita at all. I used the actual numbers of people killed. Volume. Sum. Tallies. Hash marks.

Glad you like the article though. I try to make my materials as informative as possible by both going into the nitty gritty detail and zooming out to examine the big picture.