
Omg yes! Give it here! Looks really great!

Hmmm... The interval training. I think I need to try it. Since my holiday started I have been a bit bad. Been enjoying too many bad things. Will get back to it though. The holiday season has got me all excited and craving sugar... Still staying away from alcohol so thats good.

Grape~vanilla? That sounds really nice. I know Japan has some really interesting snacks. Chekcout the many flavors of pringles and the sake flavored kit kat =)

Yesterday, while strolling in the park surrounding the Osaka Castle, I noticed a nice slope along the way where some people were doing interval training. So I headed to the park this morning with an intention to burn off yesterday’s calories from the ice-cream, pizza and alcohol. :)

I did some light jogging for a few minutes and then proceeded with the interval training – to much amusement of the tourists walking in the park. I managed to conquer the slope three times at my maximum running speed, before I felt that one more time would end up in a blackout. So I simply walked and jogged the rest of the route. At that very moment a light cold rain started – to my delight! It was a pure physical pleasure to have the sensation of cold drops of water hit my hot sweaty skin and cool it down. The tourists were trying to hide from the rain under the roofs and umbrellas, while I walked in the midst of it with a huge grin on my face. A lovely way to get my day started! Have big plans for exploring Osaka on foot this afternoon and evening.

That sounds amazing! I really enjoyed reading that, and I just realize why we get along so well. There are two kinds of people. For some reason, this Bob Marley quote stuck with me for many years. You are a "feel the rain" kind of person. The best kind. =)


I still need to get out and train some more, you are training even though you are on vacation! Now you are making me feel more motivated! I need to get it done! Have just been too busy and distracted with other things...

Promise as soon as MAW launches I will get back to the training.