OpenVisionZ Blog #8 - I See Darkness In You
OpenVisionZ Blog #8 - I See Darkness In You
OpenVisionZ - Weekly Thoughts & Expressions
It all started with some cheap acid and a girl I thought I would be with for a long time.
I bought some weird LSD hits a little while after I met her not just to impress her but to see what she hid within her normal consciousness, we took them and I seen all the darkness a soul could have just hiding in her heart waiting to come out and cause horror upon anyone who was close to her, That person was me and it has scar will heel in time because I GOT THAT LD!!!!!
OpenVisionZ Weekly Thoughts & Expressions
- Fuck em if they hate you
- Try your best
- Be prepared to lose mentally
- Be as respectful as you can be
- Buy drugs from people who take em