Easy Ways to Plant Hydroponic Spinach in the Basin

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Kangkung which has a latin name Ipomoea aquatica Forsk is a type of vegetables that quite much favored by the people of Indonesia. Everyone can get kale vegetables by buying at a nearby market or planting themselves at home.


Kangkung plants that belong to this type of vegetables are widely grown in Asia, such as Indonesia, Australia, and surrounding areas.

Kale is a plant that has the ability to grow in a short time and in unison. It only takes 4 - 6 weeks after the seed, the watercress can be harvested.

In terms of price kangkung fairly cheap. One of the things that cause cheap kangkung is the production speed of the kale plant itself. These advantages can also be used as a promising business opportunity.

No wonder if not a few people who are willing to invest money just to prepare the land to grow watercress which is then marketed.

If you are interested to grow your own kangkung at home, this will be better because it can help you in saving your budget.

There are many ways you can apply this planting kangkung, one of which is to plant water spinach with hydropinik system

The reason why using hydroponic cropping systems, plants grown with hydroponic systems have better quality than plants grown on land with a planting medium of land only.

All that is influenced by the way of planting, care, and most important selection of seeds. Therefore, if you are still classified as a layman in the hydroponic world, it's good to know how to plant hydroponic kangkung below

How to Plant Hydroponic Spinach in the Basin

As for how to plant hydroponic kangkung is as follows:

Preparation of Materials and Equipment

Equipment in planting kangkung with hydroponics system is not much and will not drain a lot of the contents of your wallet.

For more details, the following materials and tools you need to prepare when will start the cultivation of hydroponic kangkung at home.

Materials needed:

Some materials and tools to plant hydroponics kangkung was found you can meet with muah in your house such as:

1). Seeds of kale

You can find kale seeds in a farm shop near your home or can memsanya lmelalui internet.

2). Hydroponics fertilizer

Required hydroponic fertilizers such as AB Mix hydroponic vegetables that you can also buy at farm shops. Or Can also use liquid organic fertilizer that you make yourself.

3). Growth Regulatory Substance (ZPT)

ZPT such as Atonik which will be used when soaking kangkung seeds. The purpose of using ZPT is to support plants to germinate and grow faster.

Tools needed:

The tools needed to plant hydrponik kangkung are as follows:

1). Plastic besek

The shape is like a sieve (there are small holes in the entire side and surface) with a size large enough.

2). Basin

Because we use the media basin and plastic besek try the size of the basin with the diameter of plastic besek so that later besek not float above the basin.

Use of ZPT (Substance Regulator) is not mandatory.

Selection of Seed Kangkung

If you want the results of the production of kangkung really good, it should be noted also in determining the seeds of kangkung to be planted or used must be quality.

Recommendations we use Seed or kangkung kangkung kangkung ideal cultivation, Seeds kankung dreams have some advantages such as harvesting by withdrawing or cutting, simultaneous growth and not creeping.

By choosing quality kangkung seedlings, the presentation of success rate in the cultivation of watercress will increase with the quality of the resulting crop.

Seedling of Kangkung

Actually there are two ways of planting hydroponic kangkung, first with seed seedling technique or second with direct planting technique. Whether in a basin, with a bottle used, with a paralon, or by farming methods on a large field, everything can be done with the technique and the results obtained are also not much different.

Then, which one is best?

Both are good, but seed seedling techniques go through two processes. In the cultivation of hydroponics kangkung plant, we will invite you to use the first technique that is the technique of seedling.

Before starting the seedling, you must apply the seeds to know which seeds are good to eat and less. How to?

1). Provide a basin and fill it with clean water.

2). Pour the kale seed into a container of water, then let it all day.

3). The next day, Lihaatlah you will see bebrapa seeds that float and some seeds are drowned.

4). Remove the floating kangkung seeds because the seeds are floating sign that the seeds can not germinate and experience relatively slow growth.

After you get the seeds that really worthy of use and quality, then you can start seedling seedling activities. Here are the ways:

1). Take a cloth with enough thickness to absorb water.

2). Wrap the spinach seeds that have been soaked with cloth.

3). Then, flush the cloth with warm water to taste. Its function is to cloth just wet in order to keep the moisture to accelerate the sprouted spinach seeds into sprouts.

Giving Hydroponics Nutrition

As mentioned above, you can make hydroponic nutrients by using organic ingredients from the vicinity, or if you want to be practical by mixing your own organic fertilizer that has been purchased from the nearest farm shop.

If you choose to use hydroponic nutrition from AB Mix fertilizer, then here's how to blend it:

  1. Take 1 liter of water, then add 5 ml of nutrients A and 5 ml of nutrients B. Such is the dosage.

  2. Stir until the fertilizer mixes well and then insert the nutrient solution into the basin with the altitude reaching the lower bound surface besek.

  3. Try not to let the seeds are submerged, because if the seeds will be submerged in the future.

The design of container plants kangkung

All you have to do at this stage is

  1. Move all the seeds that have germinated into the besek. You can coat the bottom with an aquarium filter foam or not, no problem.

The cultivation of hydroponic kangkung not using planting media is also not a problem because kangkung has a riding root that will support the water spinach to stand upright.

  1. Pour the nutrient solution into the basin until it reaches the surface of the besek and seed. If you use an aquarium filter foam then it is quite up to the affected foam.

  2. Put the tip onto the basin containing the nutrient solution earlier.

  3. Next, you can instantly allow the seeds to burst into the sun.

Or you can also let the plants do the growth motion (fitotropisme) by closing the besek and basin with black plastic for a full day.

If from the beginning you directly want hydroponic spinach by using more than one (many), then there are things you should know.

The seeds of kale will grow better and more efficiently if the seeds are large in one container, and there is hardly any space between them.

Treatment of Hydroponic Kangkung Plants

At this stage of treatment you need to blend is the nutritional needs of kale and do not let kale not get the nutrients from the solution beneath it.

When the watercress has entered the age of 2 weeks or more, the concentration of the solution will increase. You need to increase the amount of fertilizer that was only 5 ml per 1 liter now to 7 - 9 ml per liter. Replace the nutrient solution if it smells. Do something like that until you enter the harvest.

Hydroponic Spinach Harvest Time

is one of the plants that experienced growth in a short time.

That is one of the advantages possessed kangkung can grow in addition to various conditions of planting conditions.

You can hardly harvest kangkung after 4 - 6 weeks (about 1 month or more) when it looks fresh and not old.

Once harvested and cleaned, you can cultivate and enjoy the hydroponic kangkung delicious and nourishing the plants themselves with beloved family.


Hello my sis ,what about kale? You've cooked her this vegetable @lorilikes 🤗

This is My favorite vegetable, This is kongkang

Kongkang mas, l like it