Chilli is a plant that is in great demand by the Indonesian population, especially used for cooking spices. Especially when approaching the celebration of the big celebration, the volume of consumption of Indonesian society will experience a fairly high increase. This affects the market price of chili which will jump higher than usual.
Therefore, not a few people who start interested to start planting chili, either because it will be resold or minimally consumed for itself later. But the increasingly narrowed land becomes a major obstacle, especially in urban areas limiting us to plant chili.
But do not worry, for the solution of limited land you can overcome by planting chili using hydroponic chilli system. Therefore here we will peel thoroughly on how to successfully plant hydroponic chillies at home of course that is easy and simple. Here are the steps.
1. Choosing Chili Seed

If looking at the technicalities, planting the local type of chili is much easier than the type of chili hybrida, because chili is more easily adapt to environmental conditions. But when viewed from the productivity, chili hybrid is superior to the local chili.
2. Sowing Chili Seeds

3. Cultivation of Hydroponic Chili Seeds
Seeds of chili that have been sowing usually only ready to be planted after past the age of 25-30 days. To take the seeds too we must be careful, before pulling it flush the seedling medium until wet. This will make it easier for you to remove the seeds that will be planted to avoid damage to the roots.
Can also when planting the seeds you move it along with the planting media used earlier, then soaked into a water bath to separate water and soil carefully. Then plant the seeds that are ready into the pot that has been prepared. After that flush with enough water.
Put the newly grown seedling seeds in the shade, let it adapt to the sunlight without having to be exposed to direct light. Leave for about 5 to 7 days ahead. Only then after that start to introduce with direct sunlight gradually.
4. Nutrition For Hydroponics Chilli
Chillies grown with hydroponics have limitations in terms of planting media and also nutrients that are an important source for plant nutrients. Therefore additional nutrients are needed to support its growth.
You can use the AB Mix nutrients that are specially prepared for a variety of hydroponic plants. Provide this nutrient after the age of 5 to 7 days at planting age so that the plants are not surprised with the nutrients that may damage the pepper plant.
For the initial growth of hydroponic chillies, use nutrients as much as 600 to 700 ppm or about 5 ml of nutrients A plus 5 ml of nutrients B and mixed with 1 liter of water. For water you can use river water or well water is also not a problem, and if using water pam please sediment for a few minutes.
The amount of this fertilizer should also be adjusted with the growth of the pepper plant. Every ten days you can raise the amount of ppm nutrients gradually to a maximum of nutrients up to 1260 to 1540 ppm.
- Hydroponic Chili Harvest Time
Hydroponic chilli plants are generally only able to be harvested when entering the day 80 - 90 from the day after planting. The right time is when the chillies start to turn reddish and there is a little green line left.
Chili that has these characteristics generally have a maximum weight and can last for one to two days for the best conditions starting from the first time of harvest. Make a harvest in the morning to keep the freshness of the chili harvest. Avoid harvesting during the day or night due to the quality of the chili will be faster down.