Sometimes I wake up too early, when it's still the middle of the night. Eyes wide in the dark I hear the whines of ghosts of the past. -
Sleepless dreams my mind wanders to them like zombies to the living and I remember when I didn't make the best choices for myself. -
Demons only I must live with, I know them well, and I look back and wonder who that girl was. Who was that girl that made those bad decisions for herself? -
Then I remember that she is me and I am her and in this life we will all fill a closet with skeletons but the only way to step out on that darkness is to let yourself out.
I am not my mistakes and I will not allow them to be me. I will look myself in the eye and I will tell myself that it's okay, i will do better next time, because we all deserve a second chance from ourselves.
Who I was yesterday is not who I am today and the only thing I can do in those precious moments after the storm is collect what I have left of the human I know myself to be and aim higher. Move forward and reach for the higher road next time.
We can all collect ourselves and rise above.